Klinik für Innere Medizin

Outpatient treatment options

Dr. med. Sven Fischer
Type of outpatient clinic: Private outpatient clinic (AM07)
Service offered:
Dr. med. Tilmann Unger, Dr. med. Heiko Geiling
Type of outpatient clinic: Medical care centre according to Article 95 of the SGB V (AM10)
Service offered:
Dr. med. Frank Arand
Type of outpatient clinic: Authorisation for outpatient treatment according to Article 116 of the SGB V or Article 31a para. 1 (special examination and treatment methods or knowledge of hospital doctors) (AM04)
Comment: einschließlich Vidiokapselendoskopie gem. EBM Nr. nach 13.3.3. sowie 02400 2401 und der abdominellen Sonographie, bzw. Endosonographie (außer kurative Koloskopieen)
Service offered: Chronic inflammatory intestinal diseases
Diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the liver, bile and pancreas
Diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastroenterology)
Dr. med. Daniela Selbig
Type of outpatient clinic: Authorisation for outpatient treatment according to Article 116 of the SGB V or Article 31a para. 1 (special examination and treatment methods or knowledge of hospital doctors) (AM04)
Comment: bzw. Verlaufskontrollen spezifischer Krankheitsbilder, zu gehörend: Vor-und Nachsorge von Vorhofverschlüssen, Mitraclipversorgten Patieneten, Pulmonalvenenisolation, Spezifische Krankheitsbilder nach EBM 13545 bei speziellen Kranheitsbildern/ Maßnahmen im Hause, wie Endokarditisverlauf /-Nachsorge
Service offered:
Dr. med. Daniela Selbig
Type of outpatient clinic: Authorisation for outpatient treatment according to Article 116 of the SGB V or Article 31a para. 1 (special examination and treatment methods or knowledge of hospital doctors) (AM04)
Comment: wie: Verlaufskontrolle von Herzinsuffizienspatienten zur Indikationsstellung von primärprophylaktischen ICD's , CRT- Versorgungen bzw. Entscheidung der Fortführung des Tragens einer ICD-Weste, Nachsorge spezifischer Krankheitsbilder, wie Endokarditis, Myokarditis, Verlaufskontrolle Perikardergüssen
Service offered:
Dr.med. Daniela Selbig
Type of outpatient clinic: Authorisation for outpatient treatment according to Article 116 of the SGB V or Article 31a para. 1 (special examination and treatment methods or knowledge of hospital doctors) (AM04)
Service offered:
Dr. med. Daniela Selbig
Type of outpatient clinic: Authorisation for outpatient treatment according to Article 116 of the SGB V or Article 31a para. 1 (special examination and treatment methods or knowledge of hospital doctors) (AM04)
Service offered: