Tips and tricks for the job portal
With these tips and tricks, you as a job seeker can make the best use of the nationwide hospital job portal in the German Hospital Directory. Subject areas:
Find jobs
Already on the homepage of the job exchange you can see on the map (Google Maps) whether there are any vacancies in the search region you are looking for.
Click on the pin needles to get to the details of the individual jobs.
By entering a postcode or a city name in the field "In which region are you looking for an open position?" you can determine in which region of Germany open positions should be displayed.
By default, job vacancies are displayed within a radius of 100 km as the crow flies from your search centre. Use the slider to increase or decrease the radius. However, if you make it too small, there may be no vacancies within the search radius.
If you want to search for vacancies throughout Germany, enter "Deutschland" in the search field.
Using the search filters on the job portal home page and on the search results page, you can specify that only certain types of jobs are displayed in the search results.
For example, under "Occupational field" you can specify that you only want to see jobs in the medical service or nursing service and which hierarchy level you are interested in. You can also make several entries per field by clicking on the "Add" link below the selection field.
Tip: The individual subject areas of the filters work as so-called AND searches; all selected filters must be fulfilled. The more filters you specify, the fewer positions will be displayed. Most positions will be displayed if you leave all filters at "no restrictions (all)".
It is best to search without filters in the desired region first. Then set filters on the search results page of the job board if too many or few matching jobs are displayed.
In the free text search you can search for any terms that describe your job application.
The free text search searches the advertisement texts of the published job offers as well as the job PDFs that may have been uploaded by hospitals.
Tip: Not all hospitals place their advertisements with a job advertisement text, but only refer to the job description on their own website via link. You might not find these job advertisements with the free text search. It is also possible that other terms are used in the job advertisement than you enter in the search. Therefore, the prepared search filters are more reliable for your search.