Designation |
Key |
Kinderärztliche Betreuung |
VK00 |
Phototherapie |
VK00 |
Gynäkologische Onkologie |
VG00 |
Gynäkologische Tumorchirurgie |
VG00 |
Diagnostik und Therapie der Endometriose |
VG00 |
Operative Behandlung der Endometriose |
VG00 |
Sonographie der Säuglingshüfte |
VC00 |
Stillberatung |
VC00 |
familienorientierte ganzheitliche geburtshilfliche Betreuung |
VG00 |
Spezialsprechstunden |
VG00 |
Mukoviszidosezentrum |
VG00 |
Minimally invasive laparoscopic surgery
VC55 |
Minimally invasive endoscopic surgery
VC56 |
Plastic-reconstructive procedures
VC57 |
Diagnosis and treatment of malignant tumours of the mammary gland
Zertifiziertes Brustzentrum (DKG)
VG01 |
Diagnosis and treatment of benign tumours of the mammary gland
VG02 |
Diagnosis and treatment of other diseases of the mammary gland
VG03 |
Cosmetic / plastic mamma surgery
VG04 |
Endoscopic surgery
VG05 |
Gynaecological surgery
VG06 |
Incontinence surgery
VG07 |
Diagnosis and treatment of gynaecological tumours
Zertifiziertes Gynäkologisches Krebszentrum (DKG)
VG08 |
Prenatal diagnostics and therapy
VG09 |
Diagnosis and treatment of diseases during pregnancy, birth and the puerperium
VG11 |
Obstetrical surgery
VG12 |
Diagnosis and treatment of inflammatory diseases of the female pelvic organs
VG13 |
Diagnosis and treatment of non-inflammatory diseases of the female genital tract
VG14 |
Special consultation hour - Gynaecology and obstetrics
Spontangeburt nach Kaiserschnitt, Beckenendlage und äußere Wendung
VG15 |
VG16 |
Reproductive medicine
VG17 |
Gynaecological endocrinology
VG18 |
Outpatient delivery
VG19 |
Diagnosis and treatment of oncological diseases
VI18 |
Diagnosis and treatment of (congenital) metabolic diseases
VK15 |
Neonate screening
VK25 |
VP14 |
Native sonography
VR02 |
One-dimensional Doppler sonography
VR03 |
Duplex sonography
VR04 |
Sonography with contrast agents
VR05 |
Surface radiotherapy
Kooperation mit externem Partner
VR30 |
Orthovolt radiotherapy
Kooperation mit externem Partner
VR31 |
High-voltage radiotherapy
Kooperation mit externem Partner
VR32 |
Construction and adaptation of fixation and treatment aids for radiotherapy
Kooperation mit externem Partner
VR35 |
Irradiation simulation for external radiation and brachytherapy
Kooperation mit externem Partner
VR36 |
Irradiation planning for percutaneous irradiation and brachytherapy
Kooperation mit externem Partner
VR37 |
Urodynamics / Urological functional diagnostics
VU19 |