
Outpatient treatment options

Pädiatrische Neurochirurgie
Type of outpatient clinic: Private outpatient clinic (AM07)
Comment: durch Herrn Dr. C. Hagemann
Service offered: Paediatric neurosurgery
Surgery for malformations of the brain and spinal cord
Type of outpatient clinic: Authorisation for outpatient treatment according to Article 116a of the SGB V or Article 31, para. 1A of the Ärzte-ZV (undersupply) (AM05)
Comment: durch Herrn Dr. C. Hagemann
Service offered:
Spina bifida
Type of outpatient clinic: Guideline on outpatient treatment in hospital according to Article 116b of the SGB V (AM06)
Comment: In enger Kooperation mit der Kinderorthopädie und der Pädiatrie
Angeborene Skelettfehlbildungen, Fehlbildungen
Type of outpatient clinic: Guideline on outpatient treatment in hospital according to Article 116b of the SGB V (AM06)
Comment: In enger Kooperation mit der Kinderorthopädie und der Pädiatrie
Neuromuskuläre Erkrankungen
Type of outpatient clinic: Guideline on outpatient treatment in hospital according to Article 116b of the SGB V (AM06)
Comment: In enger Kooperation mit der Kinderorthopädie und der Pädiatrie