Designation |
Key |
Einlungenbeatmung |
VX00 |
Hochfrequenz-Jetventilation |
VX00 |
Kombinationsnarkosen (Vollnarkose und PDA) |
VX00 |
Zytologie, Histologie, Immunhistochemie |
VX00 |
Klinische Chemie |
VX00 |
Pathologisch-anatomische Versorgung von ambulanten Patienten |
VX00 |
Schnellschnittuntersuchungen |
VX00 |
Periduralanästhesie (PDA) |
VX00 |
Analgosedierung |
VX00 |
Serologie und Molekulargenetik |
VX00 |
Gewebliche Untersuchungen von Lungenerkrankungen |
VX00 |
Bronchoskopische Intubation |
VX00 |
Molekularpathologie |
VX00 |
Allgemeinanästhesie |
VX00 |
Gerinnung |
VX00 |
Immunhämatologie |
VX00 |
Hämatologie |
VX00 |
Gewebliche Untersuchungen von Tumoren der Lunge und des Thorax |
VX00 |
Procedures to the pericardium
VC10 |
Lung surgery
VC11 |
Tracheobronchial reconstructions in congenital malformations
VC12 |
Operations due to chest trauma
VC13 |
Esophageal surgery
VC14 |
Thoracoscopic procedures
VC15 |
Endocrine surgery
VC21 |
Tumour Surgery
VC24 |
Diagnosis and treatment of thoracic injuries
VC34 |
Minimally invasive laparoscopic surgery
VC55 |
Minimally invasive endoscopic surgery
VC56 |
Plastic-reconstructive procedures
VC57 |
VC59 |
Port implantation
VC62 |
Diagnosis and treatment of upper respiratory tract infections
VH08 |
Other diseases of the upper respiratory tract
VH09 |
Diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the paranasal sinuses
Rhinomanometrie und Provokation bei Allergien
VH10 |
Diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the trachea
Starre Bronchoskopien
VH17 |
Laser surgery
VH26 |
Diagnosis and treatment of ischemic heart diseases
nicht-invasive Diagnostik inkl. Echokardiographie und Spiroergometrie, Stressechokardiographie
VI01 |
Diagnosis and treatment of pulmonary heart disease and pulmonary circulation diseases
Echokardiographie, Stressechokardiographie, Rechtsherzkathether mit Vasoreagibilitätstest, Spiroergometrie
VI02 |
Diagnosis and treatment of other forms of heart disease
Basisdiagnostik, Echokardiographie (transthorakale und transösophageal), Spiroergometrie
VI03 |
Diagnosis and treatment of hypertension (high pressure sickness)
Echokardiographie, Stressechokardiographie, Spiroergometrie, Hormondiagnostik
VI07 |
Diagnosis and treatment of kidney diseases
Sonographie, Computertomographie
VI08 |
Diagnosis and treatment of haematological diseases
EBUS-gesteuerte Lymphknotenbiopsie, Knochenmarkspunktion
VI09 |
Diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastroenterology)
Gastroskopie, Sonographie, Computertomographie
VI11 |
Diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the liver, bile and pancreas
Sonographie, Computertomographie
VI14 |
Diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the respiratory tract and lungs
VI15 |
Diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the pleura
VI16 |
Diagnosis and treatment of rheumatological diseases
Bei pulmonaler Mitbeteiligung
VI17 |
Diagnosis and treatment of oncological diseases
Bei pulmonalen Tumoren oder Metastasen
VI18 |
Diagnosis and treatment of infectious and parasitic diseases
Tuberkulose, Pneumonie, Pilzinfektion der Lunge
VI19 |
Intensive care medicine
VI20 |
Care of patients before and after transplantation
VI21 |
Diagnosis and treatment of allergies
VI22 |
Diagnosis and treatment of congenital and acquired immune deficiency diseases (including HIV and AIDS)
Bei pulmonalen Manifestationen
VI23 |
Diagnosis and treatment of geriatric diseases
VI24 |
Treatment of blood poisoning / sepsis
VI29 |
Diagnosis and treatment of autoimmune diseases
Bereich Lunge und Atemorgane
VI30 |
Diagnosis and treatment of cardiac arrhythmia
VI31 |
Diagnosis and treatment of sleep disorders / sleep medicine
VI32 |
Bronchoskopie, Gastroskopie
VI35 |
Cystic fibrosis centre
VI36 |
Oncological day clinic
für thorakale Tumoren
VI37 |
Palliative care
VI38 |
Physical therapy
VI39 |
Pain therapy
VI40 |
Transfusion medicine
VI42 |
VP14 |
Conventional radiographs
VR01 |
Duplex sonography
VR04 |
Fluoroscopy as a standalone service
VR08 |
Projection radiography using a contrast agent procedure
VR09 |
Computed tomography (CT), native
VR10 |
Computer tomography (CT) with contrast agents
VR11 |
Computer tomography (CT), special procedures
VR12 |
VR16 |
Computer-aided image data analysis with 3D evaluation
VR26 |
Interventional radiology
VR41 |