Allgemeine Psychiatrie

Treatments according to OPS

Service Number of cases OPS key Info
8.257 9-649.0
7.371 9-649.10
Standard treatment for mental and psychosomatic disorders and behavioral disorders in adults 6.722 9-607
Intensive treatment for mental and psychosomatic disorders and behavioural disorders in adult patients with one characteristic 4.634 9-617
3.672 9-649.11
Intensive treatment for mental and psychosomatic disorders and behavioural disorders in adult patients with two characteristics 3.454 9-618
3.094 9-649.50
2.801 9-649.20
2.269 9-649.40
2.077 9-649.51
1.996 9-649.30
Complex psychotherapeutic treatment for mental and psychosomatic disorders and behavioral disorders in adults 1.553 9-626
1.345 9-649.12
1.299 9-649.31
Intensive treatment for mental and psychosomatic disorders and behavioural disorders in adult patients with three characteristics 1.164 9-619
Medical treatment to provoke a seizure in the treatment of certain mental illnesses - electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) 968 8-630.3
706 9-649.52
653 9-984.7
556 9-649.53
535 9-649.13
429 9-649.32
391 9-984.8
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the head without contrast medium 347 3-800
264 9-984.6
216 9-649.33
213 9-647.1
Intensive treatment for mental and psychosomatic disorders and behavioural disorders in adult patients with four characteristics 210 9-61a
196 9-647.m
194 9-647.0
Computer-assisted analysis of the images with 3D-analysis 191 3-990
185 9-649.54
184 9-649.14
Increased treatment complexity in psychological and/or psychosomatic disorders and behavioural disorders in adults 176 9-640.06
173 9-649.55
Computed tomography (CT) of the head without contrast medium 161 3-200
144 9-984.9
143 9-647.u
134 9-984.b
123 9-647.n
110 9-647.2
107 8-98g.12
107 9-647.3
102 8-98g.11
100 9-649.15
Increased treatment complexity in psychological and/or psychosomatic disorders and behavioural disorders in adults 86 9-640.04
83 9-647.4
81 9-647.7
80 9-647.6
Measurement of the brain waves - EEG 75 1-207.0
73 9-649.56
73 9-649.57
71 9-647.5
70 9-647.8
68 9-647.e
67 9-647.d
63 9-647.j
63 9-649.34
Increased treatment complexity in psychological and/or psychosomatic disorders and behavioural disorders in adults 56 9-640.08
56 9-647.k
Examination of the cerebrospinal fluid spaces 54 1-204.2
Increased treatment complexity in psychological and/or psychosomatic disorders and behavioural disorders in adults 52 9-640.05
50 9-647.g
50 9-649.35
49 9-647.h
48 9-647.b
47 9-647.f
Medical treatment to provoke a seizure in the treatment of certain mental illnesses - electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) 44 8-630.2
43 9-647.9
38 9-647.a
36 9-647.c
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the head with contrast medium 33 3-820
32 9-647.p
30 9-649.16
29 8-98g.10
29 9-649.58
Increased treatment complexity in psychological and/or psychosomatic disorders and behavioural disorders in adults 28 9-640.07
28 9-649.21
24 9-647.q
24 9-649.59
23 6-006.a3
20 8-98g.13
20 9-647.t
20 9-649.41
19 6-006.a1
18 9-647.r
17 9-649.17
16 9-647.s
16 9-649.5b
Computed tomography (CT) of the musculoskeletal system without contrast medium 11 3-205
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the spine and spinal cord without contrast medium 11 3-802
11 6-006.a0
10 8-98g.14
10 9-649.36
10 9-984.a
9 9-649.5c
Intensive treatment for mental and psychosomatic disorders and behavioural disorders in adult patients with five or more characteristics 8 9-61b
8 9-649.5a
Computed tomography of the chest with contrast medium 7 3-222
Computed tomography of the abdomen with contrast medium 7 3-225
7 6-006.a5
7 9-649.19
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the musculoskeletal system without contrast medium 6 3-806
6 9-649.5d
Computed tomography (CT) of the pelvis without contrast medium 5 3-206
5 6-006.a2
5 6-006.a4
Treatment of HIV infection with a fixed combination of medicines - HAART 5 8-548.0
5 8-98g.02
Crisis management in psychological and/or psychosomatic disorders and behavioural disorders in adults 5 9-641.10
5 9-649.37
Computed tomography (CT) of the chest without contrast medium 4 3-202
Computed tomography (CT) of the abdomen without contrast medium 4 3-207
4 6-006.a6
Crisis management in psychological and/or psychosomatic disorders and behavioural disorders in adults 4 9-641.11
Computed tomography (CT) of the neck without contrast medium not specified 3-201
Computed tomography (CT) of the spine and the spinal cord without contrast medium not specified 3-203
Computed tomography of the head with contrast medium not specified 3-220
Computed tomography of the neck with contrast medium not specified 3-221
Computed tomography (CT) of the musculoskeletal system with contrast medium not specified 3-227
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the breast without contrast medium not specified 3-807
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the chest with contrast medium not specified 3-822
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the abdominal cavity with contrast medium not specified 3-825
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the musculoskeletal system with contrast medium not specified 3-826
not specified 6-006.a7
Treatment by the targeted insertion of a needle into the brain, spinal cord or the eye with subsequent administration or removal of substances, e.g. fluid not specified 8-151.4
Cardiac or cardiopulmonary resuscitation not specified 8-771
Interdisciplinary management for colonisation or infection with multiresistant germs (pathogens) not specified 8-987.00
not specified 8-98g.00
not specified 8-98g.01
Treatment of physically or functionally induced disorders of speech, language, the voice or swallowing not specified 9-320
Crisis management in psychological and/or psychosomatic disorders and behavioural disorders in adults not specified 9-641.12
Crisis management in psychological and/or psychosomatic disorders and behavioural disorders in adults not specified 9-641.14
not specified 9-649.18
not specified 9-649.1a
not specified 9-649.1b
not specified 9-649.1c
not specified 9-649.1d
not specified 9-649.1g
not specified 9-649.22
not specified 9-649.38
not specified 9-649.39
not specified 9-649.3c
not specified 9-649.5e
not specified 9-649.5f
not specified 9-649.5h
not specified 9-649.5j
not specified 9-649.5k