Psychiatrische Tagesklinik

Treatments according to OPS

Service Number of cases OPS key Info
457 9-649.40
342 9-649.31
209 9-649.50
205 9-649.51
Standard treatment for mental and psychosomatic disorders and behavioral disorders in adults 153 9-607
123 9-649.30
110 9-649.0
52 9-649.52
32 9-649.33
30 9-649.53
29 9-649.41
24 8-632.1
21 9-649.32
14 9-649.54
10 9-649.11
4 9-649.10
4 9-649.55
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 3 of the procedures list not specified 6-003.f0
not specified 6-006.a0
not specified 8-632.0
Crisis management in psychological and/or psychosomatic disorders and behavioural disorders in adults not specified 9-641.11
not specified 9-649.34
not specified 9-649.56
not specified 9-649.57