Relevant to this:
Sport therapy / exercise therapy
Ergotherapy / occupational therapy
Creative therapy / art therapy / theatre therapy / bibliotherapy
Music therapy
z. B. Kommunikative Bewegungstherapie, Kinesiotaping, Psychomotorik, Konzentrative Entspannungstherapie, Entspannungstherapie PMR
Pain therapy / management
PMR (Progressive Muskelrelaxation)
z. B. Pflegevisiten, Pflegeexperten oder Pflegeexpertinnen,
Voice and speech therapy / logopaedics
Wound management
Audiometrie in der Neurologie am Hauptstandort
Strength training / therapy / work trials
Bestandteile der therapeutischen Angebote im Fachbereich Psychiatrie
Support / advice / seminars for relatives
Dietary and nutritional advice
geregeltes Entlassungsmanagement
Case management / primary nursing
Special offers for guidance and counselling of patients and their relatives
Supply of aids / orthopaedic technology
Cooperation with / contact to self-help groups
Social services
Vorträge, Informationsveranstaltungen am Hauptstandort
z. B. Gesprächstherapie, Verhaltenstherapie, Konzentrative Bewegungstherapie
Educational service offer
Elterncafé, Erziehungsberatung