Chirurgie/Schwerpunkt Orthopädie (Belegabteilung seit 01.11.2022)

Illnesses according to ICD

Service ICD number Number of cases Info
Coxarthrosis arthrosis of hip M16.1 13
Gonarthrosis arthrosis of knee M17.1 11
Shoulder lesions M75.1 6
Shoulder lesions M75.4 5
Psoriasis L40.5 not specified
Seropositive rheumatoid arthritis M05.87 not specified
Rheumatoid arthritis unspecified M06.96 not specified
Coxarthrosis arthrosis of hip - Bilateral primary osteoarthritis of hip M16.0 not specified
Gonarthrosis arthrosis of knee M17.3 not specified
Other arthrosis M19.03 not specified
Acquired deformities of fingers and toes M20.1 not specified
Internal derangement of knee M23.30 not specified
Internal derangement of knee M23.61 not specified
Fibroblastic disorders - Palmar fascial fibromatosis Dupuytren M72.0 not specified
Shoulder lesions M75.2 not specified
Fracture of ribs sternum and thoracic spine S22.05 not specified
Fracture of shoulder and upper arm S42.02 not specified
Fracture of shoulder and upper arm S42.03 not specified
Dislocation sprain and strain of joints and ligaments of shoulder girdle S43.1 not specified
Injury of muscle and tendon at shoulder and upper arm level S46.0 not specified