Kliniken im Naturpark Altmühltal, Klinik Kösching

Quality results

Treatment sector: Pacemaker: First use (HSMDEF-HSM-IMPL) Explanation

Designation Herzschrittmacher - Implantation
Shortcut 09/1
Number of cases 31
Documentation rate 100 %
Hospital comment Die Dokumentationsrate wurde krankenhausbezogen berechnet.

Summary result:

In one of the 1 quality characteristics, the quality objective was achieved.
No assessment is possible for one quality characteristic

Number of patients treated: 31

Quality objective achieved
Quality objective not achieved

The results in detail

Quality criterion
Hospital result
and target area
Quality objective
All information
Duration of the operation (based on operations where a pacemaker was inserted for the first time or the housing of the pacemaker was replaced)
Hospital: Data protection

No information due to data protection

Target area: at least 60,00 %
Quality objective achieved
Various measurements during the operation have shown that the pacemaker?s wires were functioning properly
Hospital: Data protection

No information due to data protection

Target area: at least 90,00 %
Assessment not possible