Johanniter Krankenhaus Oberhausen

Quality results

Treatment sector: Pressure ulcer (decubitus): prevention through nursing measures (DEK) Explanation

Designation Dekubitusprophylaxe
Shortcut DEK
Number of cases 496
Documentation rate 148.79 %
Hospital comment Die Dokumentationsrate wurde krankenhausbezogen berechnet. Die vermeintliche Überdokumentation entstand durch einen Softwarefehler in der Sollstatistik

Summary result:

In none of the 2 quality characteristics was the quality objective achieved.
No assessment is possible for any quality characteristic

Number of patients treated: 496

Quality objective achieved
Quality objective not achieved

The results in detail

Quality criterion
Hospital result
and target area
Quality objective
All information
Ratio of actual to the previously expected number of patients who developed a pressure ulcer (moderate to very severe, grade 2 - 4) in hospital
National result: 1,18
Hospital: 3,04
Target area: at most 2,68
Quality objective not achieved
So few patients developed moderate pressure ulcers (grade 2) in hospital
National result: 0,36 %
Hospital: 0,35 %
as rarely as possible
Evaluation is not available
So few patients developed severe pressure ulcers (grade 3) in hospital
National result: 0,07 %
Hospital: 0,25 %
as rarely as possible
Evaluation is not available
So rarely did patients develop pressure ulcers of unknown severity in hospital
National result: 0,01 %
Hospital: 0,00 %
as rarely as possible
Evaluation is not available
So rarely did a very severe pressure ulcer (grade 4) develop during the hospital stay
National result: 0,01 %
Hospital: Data protection

No information due to data protection

Sentinel Event
Quality objective not achieved