Dealing with risks in patient care

Quality management

Helge Fani

Leiterin Qualitätsmanagement

Albert-Schweitzer-Strasse 64
67655 Kaiserslautern

Phone: 06349 -900-1610
Mail: ed.mukinilkzlafp@inaf.egleh

alle klinischen Einrichtungen

Conference frequency: quartalsweise

Risk management

Helge Fani

Leiterin Qualitätsmanagement

Albert-Schweitzer-Strasse 64
67655 Kaiserslautern

Phone: 06349 -900-1610
Mail: ed.mukinilkzlafp@inaf.egleh

obere Führungsebene

Conference frequency: jährlich

Risk management instruments and measures

No. Explanation

Comprehensive quality and/or risk management documentation (QM/RM documentation) is available

Risikobericht 2022, Ergebnisbericht (18.11.2022)


Regular further education and training measures

Fault reporting systems

Conference committee

Conference frequency: quartalsweise


Einführung von Einmalbeatmungsbeuteln und -absaugpumpen

No. Explanation

Documentation and procedural instructions for handling the error reporting system are available

As of: 09.03.2022


Internal evaluation of the received reports

taken monatlich

Conference committee

Conference frequency: halbjährlich

No. Explanation

KH-CIRS (German Hospital Federation, Action Alliance for Patient Safety, German Nursing Council, German Medical Association, National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Doctors)