Klinikum Nürnberg - Außenstelle Kinder- und Jugendklinik, Neumarkt

Quality results

Treatment sector: Heart valve replacement: Intervention to replace the heart valve on the main artery (aorta) with the help of a catheter (insertion of a tube through a small incision on the groin or nipple) (KCHK-AK-KATH) Explanation

Designation Herzchirurgie: Kathetergestützte Aortenklappeneingriffe
Shortcut HCH_AK_KATH
Counts to the treatment area HCH
Number of cases 237
Documentation rate 98.3 %
Hospital comment Die Dokumentationsrate wurde krankenhausbezogen berechnet.

Number of patients treated: 237

No quality data are available for this treatment area.