Relevant to this:
Respiratory exercises / therapy
Bobath therapy (for adults and/or children)
Manual lymph drainage
Physical therapy / bath therapy
Physiotherapy as individual and/or group therapy
Preventive services / prevention courses
Back school / posture training / spinal gymnastics
zertifizierte Akutschmerztherapie
Autogenes Training, Progressive Muskelentspannung
onkologische Pflegevisiten, Pain-Nurses, Palliativ-Care, Onkologische Fachkrankenschwestern
Kooperation mit Logopäden und Phoniatern im Bereich des Kopf-Hals-Tumorzentrums
Heating and cooling applications
spezielle Versorgung chronischer Wunden in unserem Wundzentrum
im Rahmen der psychoonkologischen Betreuung von Tumorpatienten
Work / rehabilitation advice
palliativ-onkologische Behandlung
Dietary and nutritional advice
Discharge management / transitional care
Case management / primary nursing
Beratung zur Sturzprophylaxe
Supply of aids / orthopaedic technology
Cooperation with / contact to self-help groups
Social services
Special services for the public
Cooperation with inpatient care facilities / offer of outpatient care / short-term care / day care
psychoonkologische Beratung, Gesprächstherapie, Verhaltenstherapie, Krisenintervention