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Allgemeine Chirurgie

Martin-Luther-Straße 49
49525 Lengerich

Phone: 05481-801-658
Fax: 05481-801-608
Mail: ed.tiehdnuseg-soileh@hciregnel.eigrurihc
With emergency ambulance

Medical administration

Dr. med. Jörg Teklote (Chefarzt Allgemein- und Viszeralchirurgie)

Ibrahim Khateeb (Chefarzt Gefäßchirurgie)

Information and services of the department

  • Number of inpatient cases: 1.170

Services search (in the department)

Illness Number of cases
Varicose veins of lower extremities (I83.9) 67
Inguinal hernia - Unilateral inguinal hernia without obstruction or gangrene not specified as recurrent (K40.90) 65
Atherosclerosis (I70.22) 63
Atherosclerosis (I70.23) 53
Other functional intestinal disorders - Constipation unspecified (K59.00) 33
Atherosclerosis - Atherosclerosis of native arteries of other extremities with ulceration (I70.25) 27
Erysipelas (A46) 22
Calculus of gallbladder without cholecystitis without obstruction (K80.20) 22
Lipomatosis not elsewhere classified (E88.21) 21
Acute appendicitis (K35.8) 20
Treatment Number
Temporary covering of soft tissue injuries with skin or artificial skin (5-916.a0) 143
X-rays of the arteries in the legs with contrast medium (3-607) 134
Intensive care monitoring of respiration, the heart and the circulation without measurement of the pressure in the pulmonary artery and in the right atrium of the heart (8-930) 103
Surgical repair of an inguinal hernia (5-530.32) 89
Treatment of a vessel with access via a tube (catheter) (8-836.0s) 82
Surgical removal of the gall bladder (5-511.11) 81
(9-984.7) 76
Computed tomography of the abdomen with contrast medium (3-225) 63
X-rays of the arteries in the pelvis with contrast medium (3-605) 62
Treatment of a vessel with access via a tube (catheter) (8-836.0c) 60

Hospital information and services for all specialist departments

External comparative quality assurance
Further information
  • External quality assurance according to state law
    No participation
  • Quality of participation in the Disease Management Programme (DMP)
    No participation
  • Implementation of resolutions of the Federal Joint Committee on quality assurance (G-BA)
    No participation
Number Group
60 Medical specialists (m/f) , psychological psychotherapists (m/f) and child and adolescent psychotherapists (m/f) who are subject to the obligation to undergo further training*
48 Number of medical specialists (m/f) from no. 1 who have completed a five-year period of further training and are therefore subject to the obligation to provide evidence
45 Number of those persons from no. 2 who have provided proof of further training according to Article 3 of the G-BA regulations
* according to the “Provisions of the Joint Federal Committee for the Further Training of Medical Specialists (m/f), Psychological Psychotherapists (m/f) and Child and Adolescent Psychotherapists (m/f) in Hospitals”
No. Training in other healing professions Comment
HB01 Nurse and health care worker (m/f)
HB17 Auxiliary nurse (m/f)
HB07 Surgical technical assistant (m/f)

Elsbeth Hilgemann

Grüne Damen

Martin-Luther-Straße 49
49525 Lengerich

Phone: 05485 -2570-
Mail: ed.tiehdnuseg-soileh@hciregnel.ofni

Chiara Senger


Martin-Luther-Straße 49
49525 Lengerich

Phone: 05481 -801-543
Mail: ed.tiehdnuseg-soileh@hciregnel.ofni

Dr. med. Stefan Garmann

Ärztlicher Direktor

Martin-Luther-Straße 49
49525 Lengerich

Phone: 05481 -801-658
Mail: ed.tiehdnuseg-soileh@hciregnel.eigrurihc

Dr. med. Stefan Garmann

Ärztlicher Direktor

Martin-Luther-Straße 49
49525 Lengerich

Phone: 05481 -801-658
Mail: ed.tiehdnuseg-soileh@hciregnel.eigrurihc

Dr. med. Stefan Garmann

Chefarzt der Orthopädie/Unfallchirurgie

Martin-Luther-Straße 49
49525 Lengerich

Phone: 05481 -801-658
Mail: ed.tiehdnuseg-soileh@hciregnel.eigrurihc

Dr. med. Thomas Lerner

Chefarzt Wirbelsäulenchirurgie

Martin-Luther-Straße 49
49525 Lengerich

Phone: 05481 -801-675
Mail: ed.tiehdnuseg-soileh@hciregnel.hcsw

Dr. med. Frank Tillmann

Chefarzt Innere Medizin

Martin-Luther-Straße 49
49525 Lengerich

Phone: 05481 -801-661
Mail: ed.tiehdnuseg-soileh@hciregnel.erenni