Relevant to this:
gezielte Einstichtherapie mittels feiner Nadeln zur Behebung von Schmerzsyndromen und Organstörungen kommen auf Wunsch speziell im Kreißsaal zum Einsatz
Respiratory exercises / therapy
Basal stimulation
Exercise bath / water exercises
z. B. Feldenkrais, Eurhythmie, Tanztherapie
Bobath therapy (for adults and/or children)
Special range of services for diabetics
Ergotherapy / occupational therapy
Foot reflexology
Continence training / incontinence advice
Manual lymph drainage
Medical foot care
Music therapy
Osteopathy / chiropractic / manual therapy
Physical therapy / bath therapy
Physiotherapy as individual and/or group therapy
Back school / posture training / spinal gymnastics
Pain therapy / management
z. B. Pflegevisiten, Pflegeexperten oder Pflegeexpertinnen, Stillberatung
Voice and speech therapy / logopaedics
Stomatotherapy / consulting
Heating and cooling applications
Wound management
Aroma care / therapy
Hörscreening bei Neugeborenen
Memory training / brain performance training / cognitive training / concentration training
Proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF)
Vojta therapy for adults and/or children
Support / advice / seminars for relatives
Informationen über Wiedereingliederungsmöglichkeiten in das Alltagsleben nach einer Erkrankung durch den hauseigenen Sozialdienst
Spezielle Ambulante Palliative Versorgung
Dietary and nutritional advice
Discharge management / transitional care
z. B. Beratung zur Sturzprophylaxe
Supply of aids / orthopaedic technology
Cooperation with / contact to self-help groups
Social services
insbesondere Veranstaltung: "Patientenforum" zu unterschiedlichen Themen
Special services for neurologically ill persons
Cooperation with inpatient care facilities / offer of outpatient care / short-term care / day care
Psychological / psychotherapeutic services / psychosocial services
z. B. Babyschwimmen, Babymassage, PEKiP
Birth preparation courses / pregnancy gymnastics
Infant care courses
z. B. Unterwassergeburten, spezielle Kursangebote
Breastfeeding advice
Post-partum gymnastics / rehabilitation gymnastics
z. B. Zentrum für Familiengesundheit, Stillcafé, Babymassagekurs