Innere Medizin

Medical services offered (according to selection list)

Designation Key
Pacemaker procedures VC05
Defibrillator procedures VC06
Procedures to the pericardium Perikardpunktion bei ausgeprägtem Perikarderguss VC10
Thoracoscopic procedures internistische Thorakoskopie VC15
Diagnosis and treatment of ischemic heart diseases VI01
Diagnosis and treatment of pulmonary heart disease and pulmonary circulation diseases VI02
Diagnosis and treatment of other forms of heart disease VI03
Diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the arteries, arterioles and capillaries VI04
Diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the veins, lymph vessels and lymph nodes VI05
Diagnosis and treatment of cerebrovascular diseases VI06
Diagnosis and treatment of hypertension (high pressure sickness) VI07
Diagnosis and treatment of kidney diseases VI08
Diagnosis and treatment of haematological diseases VI09
Diagnosis and treatment of endocrine nutritional and metabolic diseases VI10
Diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastroenterology) VI11
Diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the anus VI12
Diagnosis and treatment of peritoneal diseases VI13
Diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the liver, bile and pancreas VI14
Diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the respiratory tract and lungs VI15
Diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the pleura VI16
Diagnosis and treatment of rheumatological diseases VI17
Diagnosis and treatment of oncological diseases Diagnostik und Therapie aller solider Tumoren VI18
Diagnosis and treatment of infectious and parasitic diseases VI19
Intensive care medicine VI20
Care of patients before and after transplantation VI21
Diagnosis and treatment of allergies VI22
Diagnosis and treatment of congenital and acquired immune deficiency diseases (including HIV and AIDS) VI23
Diagnosis and treatment of geriatric diseases VI24
Diagnosis and treatment of psychological and behavioural disorders VI25
Special consultation hour - Internal medicine VI27
Treatment of blood poisoning / sepsis VI29
Diagnosis and treatment of autoimmune diseases VI30
Diagnosis and treatment of cardiac arrhythmia VI31
Diagnosis and treatment of sleep disorders / sleep medicine VI32
Diagnosis and treatment of coagulation disorders VI33
Electrophysiology VI34
Endoscopy Spiralenteroskopie VI35
Oncological day clinic onkologische Ambulanzermächtigung VI37
Palliative care Spezialisierte Palliativmedizin VI38
Physical therapy VI39
Pain therapy VI40
Transfusion medicine VI42
Chronic inflammatory intestinal diseases VI43
Diagnosis and treatment of cerebrovascular diseases VN01
Diagnosis and treatment of other neurovascular diseases VN02
Diagnosis and treatment of seizure disorders akute Notfalltherapie von epileptischen Anfällen und Überwachung, bildgebende Diagnostik, keine weiterführende neurologische Diagnostik VN05
Diagnosis and treatment of polyneuropathies and other diseases of the peripheral nervous system VN15
Diagnosis and treatment of diseases in the neuromuscular synapse and muscle region Einstellung und Kontrolle von nichtinvasiver Beatmung von ALS-Patienten, teils auch Kontrolle von invasiv beatmeten ALS-Patienten (Trachealkanüle) VN16
Diagnosis and treatment of cerebral palsy and other paralysis syndromes Diagnostik und Therapie von Schlaganfällen VN17
Sleep medicine VN22
Pain therapy VN23
Native sonography u.a. Sonographie Abdomen VR02
One-dimensional Doppler sonography VR03
Duplex sonography u.a. Echokardiographie transthorakal (TTE) und transösophageal (TEE), Beinvenen-, Beinarterien-Duplex und Duplex der extrakraniellen hirnversorgenden Gefäße VR04
Sonography with contrast agents des Abdomens; Kontrast-TTE und -TEE VR05
Endosonography rektal, gastral; endobronchialer Ultraschall VR06
Diagnosis and treatment of renal insufficiency VU02
Diagnosis and treatment of urolithiasis Diagnostik und konservative Therapie VU03
Diagnosis and treatment of other diseases of the kidney and ureter Diagnostik und konservative Therapie VU04
Diagnosis and treatment of other diseases of the urinary system VU05
Diagnosis and treatment of other diseases of the urogenital system VU07
Dialysis Hämofiltration (CVVH) auf der Intensivstation möglich VU15