Designation |
Key |
VC00 |
VC00 |
VC00 |
VC00 |
VC00 |
VC00 |
VC00 |
VC00 |
VC00 |
VC00 |
VO00 |
VO00 |
VP00 |
VP00 |
VA00 |
VA00 |
VA00 |
VA00 |
VA00 |
VA00 |
Lung surgery
VATS: atypische Lungenresektionen
VC11 |
Operations due to chest trauma
z.B. Hämatothorax
VC13 |
Thoracoscopic procedures
VATS, Pleurektomie, Pleura PE, Pleurixkatheter, Talkumpleurodese, Pleuraempyem
VC15 |
Diagnosis and treatment of venous diseases and secondary diseases
VC19 |
Endocrine surgery
VC21 |
Gastrointestinal surgery
alle gutartigen und bösartigen Erkrankungen, Koloproktologie, Dünn- Dickdarmchirurgie
VC22 |
Liver, bile and pancreatic surgery
z.B. Gallenblasenentfernung, Leberteilresektion
VC23 |
Tumour Surgery
z.B. Magenkarzinom, Rektumkarzinom, Colonkarzinom (Tumorboard Weilheim)
VC24 |
Treatment of decubital ulcers
VC29 |
Minimally invasive laparoscopic surgery
z.B. Magen, Galle, Hernie, Darm, Rektum
VC55 |
Minimally invasive endoscopic surgery
VC56 |
Plastic-reconstructive procedures
z.B. Limberg Lappen
VC57 |
Port implantation
VC62 |
Amputation surgery
VC63 |
Aesthetic surgery / Plastic surgery
VC64 |
Surgical intensive care medicine
VC67 |
Emergency medicine
Traumanetzwerk, alle akuten viszeralmedizinischen Notfälle
VC71 |
Diagnosis and treatment of skin tumours
VD03 |
Diagnosis and treatment of other skin and subcutaneous diseases
VD04 |
Diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the skin appendages
VD09 |
Wound healing disorders
VD20 |
Incontinence surgery
VG07 |
Foot surgery
VO15 |
Native sonography
VR02 |
One-dimensional Doppler sonography
VR03 |
Duplex sonography
VR04 |