Nursing staff

Information on the nursing staff of the entire hospital. Information on the staff of the individual departments can be found on the department pages.

With and without departmental allocation
Professional group Number Explanation
Number (total) 525,32
Staff in direct employment 505,56
Staff not in direct employment 19,76 Bei den indirekt Beschäftigten handelt es sich um Leihbeschäftigte.
Out-patient care staff 21,01
In-patient care staff 504,31
Prevailing collectively agreed weekly working hours 38.5
Thereof without departmental allocation
Professional group Number Explanation
Number (total) 30,26
Staff in direct employment 30,26
Staff not in direct employment 0,00
Out-patient care staff 6,74
In-patient care staff 23,52
With and without departmental allocation
Professional group Number Explanation
Number (total) 7,66
Staff in direct employment 7,66
Staff not in direct employment 0,00
Out-patient care staff 0,65
In-patient care staff 7,01
Thereof without departmental allocation
Professional group Number Explanation
Number (total) 0,27
Staff in direct employment 0,27
Staff not in direct employment 0,00
Out-patient care staff 0,05
In-patient care staff 0,22
With and without departmental allocation
Professional group Number Explanation
Number (total) 21,35
Staff in direct employment 21,35
Staff not in direct employment 0,00
Out-patient care staff 0,00
In-patient care staff 21,35
Thereof without departmental allocation
Professional group Number Explanation
Number (total) 0,00
Staff in direct employment 0,00
Staff not in direct employment 0,00
Out-patient care staff 0,00
In-patient care staff 0,00
With and without departmental allocation
Professional group Number Explanation
Number (total) 24,96
Staff in direct employment 24,96
Staff not in direct employment 0,00
Out-patient care staff 0,00
In-patient care staff 24,96
Thereof without departmental allocation
Professional group Number Explanation
Number (total) 0,00
Staff in direct employment 0,00
Staff not in direct employment 0,00
Out-patient care staff 0,00
In-patient care staff 0,00
With and without departmental allocation
Professional group Number Explanation
Number (total) 11,65 Zusätzlich zu den Pflegehelfer/innen unterstützen geschulte Servicekräfte die Arbeit in den Stationen. Mit ihren hauswirtschaftlichen Tätigkeiten entlasten sie das Pflegepersonal, damit dieses sich intensiv der Pflege widmen kann. In den Kliniken Maria Hilf sind insgesamt 49,86 VK’s eingesetzt.
Staff in direct employment 11,65
Staff not in direct employment 0,00
Out-patient care staff 0,00
In-patient care staff 11,65
Thereof without departmental allocation
Professional group Number Explanation
Number (total) 1,33
Staff in direct employment 1,33
Staff not in direct employment 0,00
Out-patient care staff 0,00
In-patient care staff 1,33
With and without departmental allocation
Professional group Number Explanation
Number (total) 18,50
Staff in direct employment 17,97
Staff not in direct employment 0,53 Bei den indirekt Beschäftigten handelt es sich um Leihbeschäftigte.
Out-patient care staff 4,07
In-patient care staff 14,43
Thereof without departmental allocation
Professional group Number Explanation
Number (total) 17,50
Staff in direct employment 16,97
Staff not in direct employment 0,53 Bei den indirekt Beschäftigten handelt es sich um Leihbeschäftigte.
Out-patient care staff 3,07
In-patient care staff 14,43
With and without departmental allocation
Professional group Number Explanation
Number (total) 183,54
Staff in direct employment 183,54 Die Medizinischen Fachangestellten haben eine wöchentliche tarifliche Arbeitszeit von 39 Stunden.
Staff not in direct employment 0,00
Out-patient care staff 115,33
In-patient care staff 68,21 Die Medizinischen Fachangestellten haben eine wöchentliche tarifliche Arbeitszeit von 39 Stunden.
Thereof without departmental allocation
Professional group Number Explanation
Number (total) 10,24
Staff in direct employment 10,24
Staff not in direct employment 0,00
Out-patient care staff 5,76
In-patient care staff 4,48
With and without departmental allocation
Professional group Number Explanation
Number (total) 4,81
Staff in direct employment 4,81
Staff not in direct employment 0,00
Out-patient care staff 0,00
In-patient care staff 4,81
Thereof without departmental allocation
Professional group Number Explanation
Number (total) 0,00
Staff in direct employment 0,00
Staff not in direct employment 0,00
Out-patient care staff 0,00
In-patient care staff 0,00