Nursing staff

Information on the nursing staff of the entire hospital. Information on the staff of the individual departments can be found on the department pages.

With and without departmental allocation
Professional group Number Explanation
Number (total) 422,43 Abteilungsübergreifend sind Gesundheits- und Krankenpfleger für die Versorgung der Patienten tätig in folgenden Bereichen: Hausnachtwachen, Springerpool, Pflegeexperten, OP-Pflegepersonal, Anästhesiepflegepersonal, Ambulanzpflegepersonal.
Staff in direct employment 422,21
Staff not in direct employment 0,22
Out-patient care staff 0,00
In-patient care staff 422,43
Prevailing collectively agreed weekly working hours 38.5
Thereof without departmental allocation
Professional group Number Explanation
Number (total) 33,94
Staff in direct employment 33,72
Staff not in direct employment 0,22
Out-patient care staff 0,00
In-patient care staff 33,94
With and without departmental allocation
Professional group Number Explanation
Number (total) 109,44
Staff in direct employment 109,44
Staff not in direct employment 0,00
Out-patient care staff 0,00
In-patient care staff 109,44
Thereof without departmental allocation
Professional group Number Explanation
Number (total) 0,29
Staff in direct employment 0,29
Staff not in direct employment 0,00
Out-patient care staff 0,00
In-patient care staff 0,29
With and without departmental allocation
Professional group Number Explanation
Number (total) 18,09 Im Rahmen des Leuchturmprojektes wurden 3 Altenpflegerinnen in der Versorgung von kognitiv beeinträchtigten Patienten perioperativ und postoperativ eingesetzt. Des Weiteren ist eine Altenpflegerin in der interdisziplinären Notaufnahme beschäftigt.
Staff in direct employment 18,09
Staff not in direct employment 0,00
Out-patient care staff 0,00
In-patient care staff 18,09
Thereof without departmental allocation
Professional group Number Explanation
Number (total) 0,00
Staff in direct employment 0,00
Staff not in direct employment 0,00
Out-patient care staff 0,00
In-patient care staff 0,00
With and without departmental allocation
Professional group Number Explanation
Number (total) 4,66 Krankenpflegehelfer und -helferinnen unterstützen die 3-jährig examinierten Gesundheits- und Krankenpflegerinnen bei der Patientenversorgung in verschieden Bereichen des Krankenhauses.
Staff in direct employment 4,66
Staff not in direct employment 0,00
Out-patient care staff 0,00
In-patient care staff 4,66
Thereof without departmental allocation
Professional group Number Explanation
Number (total) 0,00
Staff in direct employment 0,00
Staff not in direct employment 0,00
Out-patient care staff 0,00
In-patient care staff 0,00
With and without departmental allocation
Professional group Number Explanation
Number (total) 25,99
Staff in direct employment 25,99
Staff not in direct employment 0,00
Out-patient care staff 0,00
In-patient care staff 25,99
Thereof without departmental allocation
Professional group Number Explanation
Number (total)0,00
Staff in direct employment 0,00
Staff not in direct employment 0,00
Out-patient care staff 0,00
In-patient care staff 0,00
With and without departmental allocation
Professional group Number Explanation
Number (total) 20,56
Staff in direct employment 20,56
Staff not in direct employment 0,00
Out-patient care staff 0,00
In-patient care staff 20,56
Thereof without departmental allocation
Professional group Number Explanation
Number (total) 16,68
Staff in direct employment 16,68
Staff not in direct employment 0,00
Out-patient care staff 0,00
In-patient care staff 16,68
With and without departmental allocation
Professional group Number Explanation
Number (total) 90,87 Unter dem Begriff medizinische Fachangestellte unterstützen ArzthelferInnen; Medizinische Fachangestellte sowie medizinische Fachgehilfen die Mitarbeiter bei der Versorgung unserer Patienten.
Staff in direct employment 90,87
Staff not in direct employment 0,00
Out-patient care staff 0,00
In-patient care staff 90,87
Thereof without departmental allocation
Professional group Number Explanation
Number (total) 20,30
Staff in direct employment 20,30
Staff not in direct employment 0,00
Out-patient care staff 0,00
In-patient care staff 20,30