Dealing with risks in patient care

Quality management

Frau Christine Schröder


Bachstraße 76
59590 Geseke

Phone: 02941 -758-0
Mail: ed.latipsoh-stiekgitlafierd@ofni

Qualitätsmanagement, Pflegedirektion, AMTS

Conference frequency: halbjährlich

Risk management

Christine Schröder


Bachstraße 76
59590 Geseke

Phone: 02941 -758-0
Fax: 02941-758-61000
Mail: ed.latipsoh-stiekgitlafierd@ofni

Qualitätsmanagement, Pflegedirektion, AMTS

Conference frequency: halbjährlich

Risk management instruments and measures

Fault reporting systems

Conference committee

Conference frequency: quartalsweise


Maßnahmen zur Verbesserung der Patientensicherheit

No. Explanation

Documentation and procedural instructions for handling the error reporting system are available

As of: 01.07.2021


Internal evaluation of the received reports

taken quartalsweise


Training of employees in handling the error reporting system and in implementing the findings from the error reporting system

taken halbjährlich

Conference committee

Conference frequency: quartalsweise

No. Explanation

CIRS NRW (North Rhine and Westphalia-Lippe Medical Chambers, North Rhine Westphalia Hospital Association, North Rhine and Westphalia-Lippe Association of Statutory Health Insurance Doctors, German Medical Association, National Association of Statutory Hea