Klinik für Thoraxchirurgie

Medical services offered (according to selection list)

Designation Key
Lungenmetastasenchirurgie VC00
Bronchoskopie VC00
Operative Behandlung des Lungenkarzinoms VC00
Operative Behandlung des Pleuraempyems VC00
Operative Behandlung des Pneumothorax VC00
Behandlung des malignen Pleuraergusses VC00
Behandlung des malignen Pleuramesothelioms VC00
Sonstige im Bereich Chirurgie VC00
Lung surgery VC11
Tracheobronchial reconstructions in congenital malformations VC12
Operations due to chest trauma VC13
Thoracoscopic procedures VC15
Mediastinoscopy VC59
Diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the respiratory tract and lungs VI15
Diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the pleura VI16
Diagnosis and treatment of oncological diseases VI18