Dörte Tambach
QM Beauftragter
Neustädter Str. 1 19288 Ludwigslust
Phone: 03874 -433-382 Mail: ed.bvh-kmw@bmq
Arbeitsgruppe Qualität in der Pflege (Abteilungsübergreifend)
Conference frequency: quartalsweise
Phone: 03874 -433-382 Fax: 03874-433-241 Mail: ed.bvh-kmw@bmq
gesamtes Klinikum
Conference frequency: monatlich
Use of a standardised concept for pressure ulcer prophylaxis (e.g. “Expert Standard for Pressure Ulcer Prophylaxis in Nursing”)
Dekubitusprophylaxe (04.11.2014)
Use of standardised information sheets
Application of standardised surgical check lists
CIRS Meldesystem
Documentation and procedural instructions for handling the error reporting system are available
As of: 01.10.2016
Internal evaluation of the received reports
taken monatlich
Training of employees in handling the error reporting system and in implementing the findings from the error reporting system
taken bei Bedarf
Conference frequency: