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Klinik Wittgenstein Psychosomatik, Psychotherapie

Sählingstraße 60
57319 Bad Berleburg

Phone: 02751-81-1211
Fax: 02751-81-1275
Mail: ed.krewsennahoj@ehcsag.saihttam

Medical administration

Dr. Matthias Gasche (ärztl. Direktor)

Information and services of the department

  • Number of inpatient cases: 500

Services search (in the department)

Illness Number of cases
Recurrent depressive disorder - Major depressive disorder recurrent moderate (F33.1) 291
Recurrent depressive disorder - Major depressive disorder recurrent severe without psychotic features (F33.2) 151
Depressive episode - Major depressive disorder single episode severe without psychotic features (F32.2) 22
Depressive episode - Major depressive disorder single episode moderate (F32.1) 10
Recurrent depressive disorder - Major depressive disorder recurrent severe with psychotic symptoms (F33.3) 4
Bipolar affective disorder - Bipolar disorder current episode hypomanic (F31.0) not specified
Bipolar affective disorder (F31.3) not specified
Bipolar affective disorder - Bipolar disorder current episode depressed severe without psychotic features (F31.4) not specified
Phobic anxiety disorders - Agoraphobia with panic disorder (F40.01) not specified
Other anxiety disorders - Panic disorder episodic paroxysmal anxiety (F41.0) not specified
Treatment Number
(9-649.40) 2.508
(9-649.31) 1.604
(9-649.50) 1.227
Complex psychotherapeutic treatment for mental and psychosomatic disorders and behavioral disorders in adults (9-626) 1.001
Standard treatment for mental and psychosomatic disorders and behavioral disorders in adults (9-607) 985
(9-649.51) 812
(9-649.30) 669
(9-649.32) 661
(9-649.11) 608
(9-649.10) 480

Hospital information and services for all specialist departments

External comparative quality assurance
Further information
  • External quality assurance according to state law
    No participation
  • Quality of participation in the Disease Management Programme (DMP)
    No participation
  • Implementation of resolutions of the Federal Joint Committee on quality assurance (G-BA)
    No participation
Number Group
7 Medical specialists (m/f) , psychological psychotherapists (m/f) and child and adolescent psychotherapists (m/f) who are subject to the obligation to undergo further training*
5 Number of medical specialists (m/f) from no. 1 who have completed a five-year period of further training and are therefore subject to the obligation to provide evidence
5 Number of those persons from no. 2 who have provided proof of further training according to Article 3 of the G-BA regulations
* according to the “Provisions of the Joint Federal Committee for the Further Training of Medical Specialists (m/f), Psychological Psychotherapists (m/f) and Child and Adolescent Psychotherapists (m/f) in Hospitals”

Rechtsanwalt Norbert Hartmann


Sählingstraße 60
57319 Bad Berleburg

Phone: 02751 -3089-
Mail: ed.enilno-t@ssiew-nnamtrah-ielznak-ar

Andreas Dickel


Sählingstraße 60
57319 Bad Berleburg

Phone: 02751 -811207-
Mail: ed.krewsennahoj@lekcid.saerdna

QMB Andreas Dickel


Sählingstraße 60
57319 Bad Berleburg

Phone: 02751 -811207-
Mail: ed.krewsennahoj@lekcid.saerdna

Dr. Julia Maria Nonn

Chefärztin Abteilung Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie

Sählingstraße 60
57319 Bad Berleburg

Phone: 02751 -811451-
Mail: ed.krewsennahoj@nnon.ailuj