Klinikum Ingolstadt

Selected therapeutic personnel

Personnel resources of the specialist department with therapeutic staff. Employees who cannot be clearly assigned to a specialist department are recorded overall for the hospital.

Professional group Number Explanation
Number (total) 0,00 11 Psychologen in Ausbildung; Bei allen anderen beschäftigten Diplom-Psychologen handelt es sich um Psychologische Psychotherapeuten oder um Psychotherapeuten in Ausbildung während der Tätigkeit.
Staff in direct employment 0,00
Staff not in direct employment 0,00
Out-patient care staff 0,00
In-patient care staff 0,00
Professional group Number Explanation
Number (total) 7,03
Staff in direct employment 7,03
Staff not in direct employment 0,00
Out-patient care staff 0,80
In-patient care staff 6,23
Case by number 476,57
Professional group Number Explanation
Number (total) 8,20
Staff in direct employment 8,20
Staff not in direct employment 0,00
Out-patient care staff 0,31
In-patient care staff 7,89
Case by number 376,30
Professional group Number Explanation
Number (total) 15,19 davon 1,37 Kunsttherapeuten und 0,23 Musiktherapeuten
Staff in direct employment 15,19
Staff not in direct employment 0,00
Out-patient care staff 0,68
In-patient care staff 14,51
Case by number 204,62
Professional group Number Explanation
Number (total) 4,20
Staff in direct employment 4,20
Staff not in direct employment 0,00
Out-patient care staff 0,00
In-patient care staff 4,20
Case by number 706,90
Professional group Number Explanation
Number (total) 22,12 inkl. 0,7 VK Sozialarbeiter
Staff in direct employment 22,12
Staff not in direct employment 0,00
Out-patient care staff 3,04
In-patient care staff 19,08
Case by number 155,61