II. Medizinische Klinik

Treatments according to OPS

Service Number of cases OPS key Info
Procedure for dialysing the blood outside the body with removal of the poison over a concentration gradient - dialysis 3.597 8-854.2
Others therapeutic procedures to influence the immune system 1.608 8-547.0
Procedure for dialysing the blood outside the body with removal of the poison over a concentration gradient - dialysis 1.248 8-854.3
Insertion or exchange of a tube (catheter) in a large vein 893 8-831.0
Transfusion of blood, red blood cells or platelets from a donor to a recipient 656 8-800.c0
Quantitative analysis of specific values such as organ function or blood flow rate 581 3-993
502 9-984.b
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 2 of the procedures list 494 6-002.72
Taking a tissue sample (biopsy) of the bone marrow without surgical incision 467 1-424
366 9-984.7
Image fusion from different imaging sources on a computer 361 3-997
Treatment procedure to maintain and encourage practical everyday and social skills - psychosocial intervention 361 9-401.22
Cancer treatment for one or more days with chemotherapy drugs administered into a vein or beneath the skin 358 8-542.11
Other operations on blood vessels 347 5-399.5
Cancer treatment for one or more days with chemotherapy drugs administered into a vein or beneath the skin 302 8-542.12
Cancer treatment for several days (e.g. 2-4 days) with two or more chemotherapy drugs administered into a vein 292 8-543.13
Cancer treatment for several days (e.g. 2-4 days) with two or more chemotherapy drugs administered into a vein 267 8-543.22
241 6-009.38
Insertion or exchange of a tube (catheter) in a large vein 230 8-831.5
Comprehensive examination of blood cancer 204 1-941.0
178 9-984.8
Others therapeutic procedures to influence the immune system 174 8-547.1
Insertion of a tube into the trachea for ventilation - intubation 161 8-701
Cancer treatment for several days (e.g. 2-4 days) with two or more chemotherapy drugs administered into a vein 160 8-543.32
Cancer treatment for several days (e.g. 2-4 days) with two or more chemotherapy drugs administered into a vein 160 8-543.51
Treatment procedure to maintain and encourage practical everyday and social skills - psychosocial intervention 159 9-401.23
Uniform basic assessment in terminal care 158 1-774
Examination of the cerebrospinal fluid spaces 157 1-204.2
Intensive care monitoring of respiration, the heart and the circulation with measurement of the pressure in the superior vena cava (central venous pressure) 157 8-931.0
Intensive care monitoring of respiration, the heart and the circulation without measurement of the pressure in the pulmonary artery and in the right atrium of the heart 156 8-930
Cancer treatment for several days (e.g. 5-8 days) with two or more chemotherapy drugs administered into a vein 152 8-544
150 1-991.3
142 9-984.6
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 1 of the procedures list 141 6-001.h5
140 6-00a.11
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 1 of the procedures list 138 6-001.h4
Anaesthesia with administration of an anaesthetic into a vein 132 8-900
Cancer treatment for several days (e.g. 2-4 days) with two or more chemotherapy drugs administered into a vein 128 8-543.21
119 8-98g.11
Administration of medicines according to List 4 of the Catalogue of Procedures 118 6-004.c
Interdisciplinary management for colonisation or infection with multiresistant germs (pathogens) 104 8-987.10
101 1-991.2
Other specific procedure with the help of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) 100 3-84x
97 8-98f.0
95 6-007.j0
Transfusion of blood, red blood cells or platelets from a donor to a recipient 90 8-800.f0
Transfusion of blood, red blood cells or platelets from a donor to a recipient 89 8-800.c1
Use of a face, nasal, or laryngeal mask for mechanical ventilation 88 8-706
85 8-98g.10
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 1 of the procedures list 81 6-001.h6
69 6-00b.c
Others therapeutic procedures to influence the immune system 68 8-547.31
Taking a tissue sample (biopsy) of the kidney, urinary tract or male reproductive organs through the skin, guided by imaging procedures such as ultrasound 65 1-465.0
Filtration of antibodies from the blood 64 8-821.0
Other operations on blood vessels 62 5-399.7
57 8-98g.12
Examination of the urethra and the urinary bladder by endoscopy 56 1-661
Transfusion of blood, red blood cells or platelets from a donor to a recipient 56 8-800.f1
55 8-713.0
Interdisciplinary management for colonisation or infection with multiresistant germs (pathogens) 55 8-987.13
Instillation into a body cavity and locally restricted treatment with chemotherapy drugs or agents that influence the immune system 54 8-541.0
Cancer treatment for several days (e.g. 2-4 days) with two or more chemotherapy drugs administered into a vein 54 8-543.42
Cardiac or cardiopulmonary resuscitation 54 8-771
Interdisciplinary management for colonisation or infection with multiresistant germs (pathogens) 51 8-987.11
51 9-984.9
Removal of blood stem cells from the bone marrow and the blood for transplantation 47 5-410.10
47 8-018.0
Cancer treatment for several days (e.g. 2-4 days) with two or more chemotherapy drugs administered into a vein 45 8-543.34
39 1-997.08
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the spinal canal with contrast medium 39 3-841
Transfusion of blood stem cells obtained from donor blood 39 8-805.00
38 8-98f.10
Taking a tissue sample (biopsy) of the respiratory tract through the skin, guided by imaging procedures such as ultrasound 37 1-432.01
Insertion of a small tube (cannula) or catheter into the space between the lungs and ribs for the drainage of fluid 37 8-144.1
Transfusion of other plasma components or genetically engineered blood proteins 37 8-812.3
Insertion, exchange or removal of a ureteral stent 36 8-137.00
Additional information on materials used 36 8-83b.c6
Procedure to detoxify the blood outside the body with forced removal of the poison - haemofiltration 36 8-853.81
Administration of medicines according to List 4 of the Catalogue of Procedures 35 6-004.44
Irradiation of the body surface for the treatment of pain or surface tumours 35 8-520.0
Transfusion of blood, red blood cells or platelets from a donor to a recipient 35 8-800.f5
Insertion or exchange of a tube (catheter) in a large vein 35 8-831.2
Test (molecular monitoring) to analyse the remaining tumour cells after cancer therapy 34 1-991.1
Administration of medicines according to List 4 of the Catalogue of Procedures 34 6-004.45
Comprehensive ultrasound examination with contrast medium for investigating and excluding suspected diagnoses 33 3-030
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 2 of the procedures list 33 6-002.13
33 6-008.m6
Cancer treatment for several days (e.g. 2-4 days) with two or more chemotherapy drugs administered into a vein 33 8-543.23
Procedure to detoxify the blood in liver failure - liver dialysis 33 8-858
Taking a tissue sample (biopsy) of the kidney, urinary tract or male reproductive organs, with a needle 32 1-463.0
Transfusion of blood, red blood cells or platelets from a donor to a recipient 32 8-800.c2
Treatment of physically or functionally induced disorders of speech, language, the voice or swallowing 32 9-320
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 2 of the procedures list 31 6-002.14
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 2 of the procedures list 31 6-002.92
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 1 of the procedures list 30 6-001.c2
Insertion, exchange or removal of a ureteral stent 30 8-137.10
Cancer treatment for several days (e.g. 2-4 days) with two or more chemotherapy drugs administered into a vein 29 8-543.71
Transfusion of white blood cells from a donor 29 8-802.40
29 9-999.04
Taking a tissue sample (biopsy) of lymph nodes, spleen or thymus gland through the skin, guided by imaging procedures such as ultrasound 28 1-426.0
28 8-98g.14
27 6-007.p3
Cancer treatment for several days (e.g. 2-4 days) with two or more chemotherapy drugs administered into a vein 27 8-543.33
Others therapeutic procedures to influence the immune system 27 8-547.30
Transfusion of blood, red blood cells or platelets from a donor to a recipient 27 8-800.f2
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 2 of the procedures list 26 6-002.10
Administration of medicines according to List 5 of the Catalogue of Procedures 26 6-005.d0
Other type of the high-energy radiotherapy, e.g. by means of telecobalt machines and linear accelerators 26 8-523.7
25 1-995.01
Other operations on the intestine 24 5-469.d3
24 6-00a.k0
Insertion of a small tube (cannula) or catheter into the space between the lungs and ribs for the drainage of fluid 24 8-144.0
Cancer treatment for several days (e.g. 2-4 days) with two or more chemotherapy drugs administered into a vein 24 8-543.14
Taking a tissue sample (biopsy) of lymph nodes, spleen or thymus gland through the skin, guided by imaging procedures such as ultrasound 23 1-426.4
Removal of blood stem cells from the bone marrow and the blood for transplantation 23 5-410.11
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 2 of the procedures list 23 6-002.83
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 2 of the procedures list 23 6-002.98
Transfusion of blood plasma or plasma components or genetically engineered blood proteins 23 8-810.w3
23 8-98g.13
Treatment procedure to maintain and encourage practical everyday and social skills - psychosocial intervention 23 9-401.25
22 6-009.4
Injection or administration of medicines into the urinary bladder 22 8-132.3
Exchange or removal of a tube (catheter) in the kidney for draining urine through the abdominal wall 22 8-138.0
Taking a tissue sample (biopsy) of lymph nodes, spleen or thymus gland through the skin, guided by imaging procedures such as ultrasound 21 1-426.7
21 1-941.30
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 2 of the procedures list 21 6-002.11
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 2 of the procedures list 21 6-002.73
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 2 of the procedures list 21 6-002.91
Cancer treatment for several days (e.g. 2-4 days) with two or more chemotherapy drugs administered into a vein 21 8-543.31
Transfusion of blood stem cells obtained from donor blood 21 8-805.50
Treatment of the heart and/or the coronary arteries with access through a tube (catheter) along the blood vessels 21 8-837.00
Taking a tissue sample (biopsy) of lymph nodes, spleen or thymus gland through the skin, guided by imaging procedures such as ultrasound 20 1-426.2
Measurement of the air remaining in the lungs after normal expiration, using the helium dilution method 20 1-713
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 3 of the procedures list 20 6-003.k8
20 6-008.92
Cancer treatment for several days (e.g. 2-4 days) with two or more chemotherapy drugs administered into a vein 20 8-543.43
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 1 of the procedures list 19 6-001.ha
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 2 of the procedures list 19 6-002.87
19 6-009.a8
Transfusion of blood, red blood cells or platelets from a donor to a recipient 19 8-800.c3
Transfusion of other plasma components or genetically engineered blood proteins 19 8-812.51
Procedure to detoxify the blood outside the body with forced removal of the poison - haemofiltration 19 8-853.80
Other operations on the stomach 18 5-449.d3
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 2 of the procedures list 18 6-002.15
Procedure to detoxify the blood outside the body with forced removal of the poison - haemofiltration 18 8-853.82
Surgical opening of the top of the skull 17 5-010.2
Surgical incision into a kidney, insertion of a tube to drain urine from the kidney, removal of a stone (calculus) through a surgical incision, dilatation of the renal pelvis or removal of a stone by endoscopy 17 5-550.1
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 1 of the procedures list 17 6-001.h8
Administration of medicines according to List 4 of the Catalogue of Procedures 17 6-004.43
Administration of medicines according to List 5 of the Catalogue of Procedures 17 6-005.07
17 6-008.m8
Additional information on materials used 17 8-83b.x
Invasive monitoring of various functions of the nervous system 17 8-924
16 5-549.21
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 2 of the procedures list 16 6-002.12
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 2 of the procedures list 16 6-002.82
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 2 of the procedures list 16 6-002.85
16 6-009.a6
Insertion of a small tube (cannula) or catheter into the space between the lungs and ribs for the drainage of fluid 16 8-144.2
Transfusion of blood, red blood cells or platelets from a donor to a recipient 16 8-800.f4
Transfusion of blood, red blood cells or platelets from a donor to a recipient 16 8-800.g0
16 9-999.03
Taking a tissue sample (biopsy) of lymph nodes, spleen or thymus gland through the skin, guided by imaging procedures such as ultrasound 15 1-426.3
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the cerebral ventricles with contrast medium 15 3-840
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 1 of the procedures list 15 6-001.c3
15 6-007.p4
Additional information on materials used 15 8-83b.0c
Interdisciplinary management for colonisation or infection with multiresistant germs (pathogens) 15 8-987.12
15 9-999.06
Surgical incision into the cerebrospinal fluid spaces 14 5-022.00
Other operations on the oesophagus 14 5-429.a
Operation using aids for optical magnification, e.g. magnifying spectacles, operating microscope 14 5-984
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 1 of the procedures list 14 6-001.91
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 1 of the procedures list 14 6-001.h3
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 2 of the procedures list 14 6-002.90
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 2 of the procedures list 14 6-002.93
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 3 of the procedures list 14 6-003.kc
14 6-00c.j
14 8-018.1
Transfusion of blood, red blood cells or platelets from a donor to a recipient 14 8-800.g1
Transfusion of blood plasma or plasma components or genetically engineered blood proteins 14 8-810.w4
14 8-98f.11
Examination of the cerebrospinal fluid spaces 13 1-204.5
Ultrasound of the lungs with access through the respiratory tract 13 3-05f
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 2 of the procedures list 13 6-002.16
Administration of medicines according to List 4 of the Catalogue of Procedures 13 6-004.5c
13 6-00c.c
Cancer treatment for several days (e.g. 2-4 days) with two or more chemotherapy drugs administered into a vein 13 8-543.91
Treatment of cardiac arrhythmias with electric shocks - defibrillation 13 8-640.0
Transfusion of blood, red blood cells or platelets from a donor to a recipient 13 8-800.f3
Transfusion of blood, red blood cells or platelets from a donor to a recipient 13 8-800.f7
13 9-999.02
13 9-999.05
12 1-995.30
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 1 of the procedures list 12 6-001.h7
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 2 of the procedures list 12 6-002.qf
Administration of medicines according to List 4 of the Catalogue of Procedures 12 6-004.71
Treatment by specific positioning of the patient in bed, e.g. positioning in a sling table or special bed 12 8-390.x
Cancer treatment for several days (e.g. 2-4 days) with two or more chemotherapy drugs administered into a vein 12 8-543.41
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 1 of the procedures list 11 6-001.90
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 1 of the procedures list 11 6-001.c4
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 2 of the procedures list 11 6-002.84
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 2 of the procedures list 11 6-002.86
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 2 of the procedures list 11 6-002.96
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 3 of the procedures list 11 6-003.k4
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 3 of the procedures list 11 6-003.k6
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 3 of the procedures list 11 6-003.k9
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 3 of the procedures list 11 6-003.ka
11 6-007.p5
11 6-009.a9
11 6-00b.f
Insertion of a small tube (cannula) or catheter into another organ or tissue for the drainage of fluid 11 8-148.0
Other type of the high-energy radiotherapy, e.g. by means of telecobalt machines and linear accelerators 11 8-523.10
Transfusion of other plasma components or genetically engineered blood proteins 11 8-812.52
11 9-984.a
Examination of a joint or of a bursa by taking a sample of fluid or tissue with a needle 10 1-854.7
10 1-995.00
Insertion of a temporary, artificial tracheal opening 10 5-311.1
Surgical incision into the chest wall or pleura 10 5-340.b
Surgical removal of the pleura 10 5-344.40
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 3 of the procedures list 10 6-003.k2
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 3 of the procedures list 10 6-003.k5
Administration of medicines according to List 4 of the Catalogue of Procedures 10 6-004.46
Administration of medicines according to List 5 of the Catalogue of Procedures 10 6-005.06
10 6-007.p6
10 6-009.a7
10 8-018.2
Transfusion of blood, red blood cells or platelets from a donor to a recipient 10 8-800.f9
10 8-98f.21
Removal of blood stem cells from the bone marrow and the blood for transplantation 9 5-410.30
9 5-936.1
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 1 of the procedures list 9 6-001.a5
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 2 of the procedures list 9 6-002.50
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 2 of the procedures list 9 6-002.94
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 3 of the procedures list 9 6-003.k3
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 3 of the procedures list 9 6-003.k7
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 3 of the procedures list 9 6-003.kf
9 6-006.j4
9 6-007.m1
9 6-007.p9
9 6-00a.8
Transfusion of blood, red blood cells or platelets from a donor to a recipient 9 8-800.f6
Transfusion of blood, red blood cells or platelets from a donor to a recipient 9 8-800.fd
Transfusion of blood stem cells obtained from donor blood 9 8-805.27
Treatment of the heart and/or the coronary arteries with access through a tube (catheter) along the blood vessels 9 8-837.m0
Taking a tissue sample (biopsy) of the respiratory tract by endoscopy 8 1-430.10
8 1-995.31
8 1-996.00
Obliteration of the space between the lungs and ribs - pleurodesis 8 5-345.5
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 1 of the procedures list 8 6-001.c1
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 2 of the procedures list 8 6-002.54
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 3 of the procedures list 8 6-003.kd
8 6-006.b2
8 6-006.g
8 6-008.m4
8 6-008.ma
Transfusion of blood, red blood cells or platelets from a donor to a recipient 8 8-800.f8
Transfusion of blood, red blood cells or platelets from a donor to a recipient 8 8-800.fa
Transfusion of blood, red blood cells or platelets from a donor to a recipient 8 8-800.fc
Transfusion of blood stem cells obtained from donor blood 8 8-805.40
Transfusion of blood plasma or plasma components or genetically engineered blood proteins 8 8-810.j4
Transfusion of blood plasma or plasma components or genetically engineered blood proteins 8 8-810.j5
Filtration of particular blood lipids (LDL cholesterol) from the blood 8 8-822
Additional information on materials used 8 8-83b.12
Transplantation of stem cells taken from allogenic bone marrow: allogenic stem cell therapy 8 8-863.00
8 8-98f.20
Taking a tissue sample (biopsy) of the respiratory tract by endoscopy 7 1-430.11
Taking a tissue sample (biopsy) of the respiratory tract by endoscopy 7 1-430.20
Other examination by taking a sample of fluid or tissue with a needle 7 1-859.x
Use of an imaging procedure during an operation 7 3-992
Other operations on the chest 7 5-349.7
Other operations on the intestine 7 5-469.s3
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 1 of the procedures list 7 6-001.94
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 2 of the procedures list 7 6-002.52
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 2 of the procedures list 7 6-002.99
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 2 of the procedures list 7 6-002.9a
7 6-006.b3
7 6-007.p8
7 6-00b.6
7 6-00b.a
Transfusion of blood, red blood cells or platelets from a donor to a recipient 7 8-800.g2
Transfusion of blood plasma or plasma components or genetically engineered blood proteins 7 8-810.g1
Transfusion of blood plasma or plasma components or genetically engineered blood proteins 7 8-810.w2
Transfusion of blood plasma or plasma components or genetically engineered blood proteins 7 8-810.w7
Transfusion of other plasma components or genetically engineered blood proteins 7 8-812.54
Additional information on materials used 7 8-83b.3x
Procedure to detoxify the blood outside the body with forced removal of the poison - haemofiltration 7 8-853.6
Taking a tissue sample (biopsy) of the respiratory tract through the skin, guided by imaging procedures such as ultrasound 6 1-432.1
Taking a tissue sample (biopsy) of skin or subcutaneous tissues without surgical incision 6 1-490.4
Test (molecular monitoring) to analyse the remaining tumour cells after cancer therapy 6 1-991.0
6 1-995.10
Reconstructive operations on the meninges 6 5-021.0
Other operations on the oesophagus 6 5-429.d
Surgical insertion of a tube into the stomach through the abdominal wall for artificial feeding 6 5-431.20
6 5-549.41
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 1 of the procedures list 6 6-001.a2
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 1 of the procedures list 6 6-001.a7
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 1 of the procedures list 6 6-001.h9
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 1 of the procedures list 6 6-001.hb
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 1 of the procedures list 6 6-001.k4
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 2 of the procedures list 6 6-002.17
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 2 of the procedures list 6 6-002.j3
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 3 of the procedures list 6 6-003.g0
Administration of medicines according to List 4 of the Catalogue of Procedures 6 6-004.5d
6 6-007.a
6 6-007.p2
6 6-009.3d
6 6-009.ab
6 6-009.j
6 6-00a.k3
Insertion of a small tube (cannula) or catheter into another organ or tissue for the drainage of fluid 6 8-148.x
6 8-718.71
Insertion or exchange of a tube (catheter) in a large vein 6 8-831.x
Treatment of the heart and/or the coronary arteries with access through a tube (catheter) along the blood vessels 6 8-837.01
Additional information on materials used 6 8-83b.25
Additional information on materials used 6 8-83b.c3
Procedure to detoxify the blood outside the body with forced removal of the poison - haemofiltration 6 8-853.83
Treatment procedure to maintain and encourage practical everyday and social skills - psychosocial intervention 6 9-401.26
Taking a tissue sample (biopsy) of the pancreas with a fine needle under ultrasound guidance 5 1-447
Taking a tissue sample (biopsy) of the male reproductive organs through the rectum 5 1-464.00
Taking a tissue sample (biopsy) of skin or subcutaneous tissues without surgical incision 5 1-490.5
5 1-995.12
Surgical incision into the bones of the skull without further measures 5 5-012.0
Other operations on the intestine 5 5-469.03
Temporary covering of soft tissue injuries with skin or artificial skin 5 5-916.a0
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 1 of the procedures list 5 6-001.c0
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 2 of the procedures list 5 6-002.53
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 2 of the procedures list 5 6-002.97
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 2 of the procedures list 5 6-002.qe
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 3 of the procedures list 5 6-003.ke
Administration of medicines according to List 4 of the Catalogue of Procedures 5 6-004.59
Administration of medicines according to List 5 of the Catalogue of Procedures 5 6-005.05
5 6-006.j5
5 6-007.b
5 6-007.j1
5 6-007.pb
5 6-00a.k1
Insertion, exchange or removal of a ureteral stent 5 8-137.12
Treatment of a nose bleed by packing with absorbent material (tamponade) 5 8-500
5 8-718.70
Transfusion of blood, red blood cells or platelets from a donor to a recipient 5 8-800.fb
Transfusion of blood, red blood cells or platelets from a donor to a recipient 5 8-800.g4
Transfusion of white blood cells from a donor 5 8-802.24
Transfusion of other plasma components or genetically engineered blood proteins 5 8-812.50
Additional information on materials used 5 8-83b.1x
Implantation of non-drug eluting tubing (stents) in blood vessels 5 8-840.0a
5 8-98f.30
4 1-20c.0
4 1-20c.1
Taking a tissue sample (biopsy) of lymph nodes, spleen or thymus gland through the skin, guided by imaging procedures such as ultrasound 4 1-426.5
Examination of the small intestine below the duodenum by endoscopy 4 1-636.0
Examination of the pericardium by taking a sample of fluid or tissue with a needle 4 1-842
Surgical incision of the brain or meninges 4 5-013.40
Surgical removal or destruction of diseased brain tissue 4 5-015.1
Other operations on the skull (cranium), brain or meninges 4 5-029.10
Surgical access to the thoracic spine 4 5-031.30
Other operations on the larynx or trachea 4 5-319.13
Obliteration of the space between the lungs and ribs - pleurodesis 4 5-345.6
Creating a connection (shunt) between an artery and a vein 4 5-392.10
Re-operation after vascular surgery 4 5-394.5
Other operations on the intestine 4 5-469.00
4 5-549.40
Surgical incision, removal or destruction of diseased tissue in the urinary bladder, with access through the urethra 4 5-573.40
4 5-83b.54
Other operations on the muscles, tendons, their connective tissue sheaths or bursae 4 5-859.12
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 1 of the procedures list 4 6-001.93
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 1 of the procedures list 4 6-001.hd
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 1 of the procedures list 4 6-001.he
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 1 of the procedures list 4 6-001.k3
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 2 of the procedures list 4 6-002.18
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 2 of the procedures list 4 6-002.51
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 2 of the procedures list 4 6-002.56
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 2 of the procedures list 4 6-002.qb
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 2 of the procedures list 4 6-002.qg
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 3 of the procedures list 4 6-003.kb
Administration of medicines according to List 4 of the Catalogue of Procedures 4 6-004.5a
Administration of medicines according to List 4 of the Catalogue of Procedures 4 6-004.5b
Administration of medicines according to List 4 of the Catalogue of Procedures 4 6-004.72
4 6-006.02
4 6-006.5
4 6-006.b4
4 6-007.60
4 6-007.p7
4 6-007.pa
4 6-007.pc
4 6-008.91
4 6-008.m1
4 6-008.m5
4 6-00a.f
4 6-00a.k4
4 6-00b.7
4 6-00b.d
Insertion or exchange of a tube inserted into the small intestine through the oesophagus 4 8-125.1
Other treatment by the targeted insertion of a needle with subsequent administration or removal of substances, e.g. fluid 4 8-159.x
Other radiotherapy with the insertion of encapsulated radioactive substances in the region of the diseased tissue 4 8-525.12
Cancer treatment for several days (e.g. 2-4 days) with two or more chemotherapy drugs administered into a vein 4 8-543.61
Treatment by extreme cooling (hypothermia) to reduce the need for oxygen 4 8-607.0
Transfusion of blood, red blood cells or platelets from a donor to a recipient 4 8-800.c4
Transfusion of blood, red blood cells or platelets from a donor to a recipient 4 8-800.fe
Transfusion of blood, red blood cells or platelets from a donor to a recipient 4 8-800.g7
Transfusion of blood plasma or plasma components or genetically engineered blood proteins 4 8-810.we
Transfusion of other plasma components or genetically engineered blood proteins 4 8-812.53
Treatment by the exchange of the patient-s own blood for a substitute solution 4 8-820.00
Additional information on materials used 4 8-83b.70
4 8-83b.87
Additional information on materials used 4 8-83b.n3
Monitoring of the brain waves for more than 24 hours 4 8-920
4 8-98g.01
Examination to establish brain death not specified 1-202.01
Examination of the cerebrospinal fluid spaces not specified 1-204.x
Other examination of the function of the nervous system not specified 1-20a.20
Other investigations of the heart or blood vessels by means of a tube (catheter) not specified 1-279.a
Other investigations of the heart or blood vessels by means of a tube (catheter) not specified 1-279.b
Investigation of urinary flow and bladder emptying not specified 1-334.1
Taking a tissue sample (biopsy) of hormone-producing organs with a needle through the skin not specified 1-406.5
Taking a tissue sample (biopsy) of hormone-producing organs through the skin, guided by imaging procedures such as ultrasound not specified 1-407.2
Taking a tissue sample (biopsy) of the mouth or oral cavity without surgical incision not specified 1-420.1
Taking a tissue sample (biopsy) of the mouth or oral cavity without surgical incision not specified 1-420.5
Taking a tissue sample (biopsy) of the throat (pharynx) without surgical incision not specified 1-422.01
Taking a tissue sample (biopsy) of lymph nodes, spleen or thymus gland with a needle through the skin not specified 1-425.0
Taking a tissue sample (biopsy) of lymph nodes, spleen or thymus gland with a needle through the skin not specified 1-425.3
Taking a tissue sample (biopsy) of lymph nodes, spleen or thymus gland with a needle through the skin not specified 1-425.4
Taking a tissue sample (biopsy) of lymph nodes, spleen or thymus gland through the skin, guided by imaging procedures such as ultrasound not specified 1-426.1
Taking a tissue sample (biopsy) of lymph nodes, spleen or thymus gland through the skin, guided by imaging procedures such as ultrasound not specified 1-426.6
Taking a tissue sample (biopsy) of lymph nodes, spleen or thymus gland through the skin, guided by imaging procedures such as ultrasound not specified 1-426.8
not specified 1-426.a
Taking a tissue sample (biopsy) of the respiratory tract by endoscopy not specified 1-430.2x
Taking a tissue sample (biopsy) of the respiratory tract by endoscopy not specified 1-430.30
Taking a tissue sample (biopsy) of the respiratory tract with a needle through the skin not specified 1-431.0
Taking a tissue sample (biopsy) of the kidney, urinary tract or prostate via the urethra not specified 1-460.2
not specified 1-466.00
Taking a tissue sample (biopsy) of the female reproductive organs with a needle through the skin not specified 1-470.5
Taking a tissue sample (biopsy) of the lining of the uterus (endometrium) without surgical incision not specified 1-471.2
Taking a tissue sample (biopsy) of the cervix without surgical incision not specified 1-472.0
Taking a tissue sample (biopsy) of skin or subcutaneous tissues without surgical incision not specified 1-490.2
Taking a tissue sample (biopsy) of skin or subcutaneous tissues without surgical incision not specified 1-490.3
Taking a tissue sample (biopsy) of skin or subcutaneous tissues without surgical incision not specified 1-490.6
Taking a tissue sample (biopsy) of other organs or tissues with a needle not specified 1-493.30
Taking a tissue sample (biopsy) of other organs or tissues with a needle not specified 1-493.5
Taking a tissue sample (biopsy) via a vein or artery not specified 1-497.2
Taking a tissue sample (biopsy) of joints or bursae through a surgical incision not specified 1-504.7
Taking a tissue sample (biopsy) of brain or meninges through a surgical incision and opening of the top of the skull not specified 1-510.0
Taking a tissue sample (biopsy) of brain or meninges through a surgical incision and opening of the top of the skull not specified 1-510.3
Taking a tissue sample (biopsy) of brain or meninges through a surgical incision and opening of the top of the skull not specified 1-510.9
Taking a tissue sample (biopsy) of brain or meninges, computer-guided and under X-ray monitoring (stereotactic) not specified 1-511.00
Taking a tissue sample (biopsy) of brain or meninges, computer-guided and under X-ray monitoring (stereotactic) not specified 1-511.01
Taking a tissue sample (biopsy) of the mouth or oral cavity through a surgical incision not specified 1-545.1
Taking a tissue sample (biopsy) of the larynx through a surgical incision not specified 1-549.0
Taking a tissue sample (biopsy) of the liver through a surgical incision not specified 1-551.0
Taking a tissue sample (biopsy) of any other digestive tract organ, the peritoneum, or the tissue lying behind the peritoneum (retroperitoneum) through a surgical incision not specified 1-559.2
Taking a tissue sample (biopsy) of any other digestive tract organ, the peritoneum, or the tissue lying behind the peritoneum (retroperitoneum) through a surgical incision not specified 1-559.4
Taking a tissue sample (biopsy) of the ureter or urinary bladder through a surgical incision not specified 1-562.2
Taking a tissue sample (biopsy) of the mediastinum and other organs in the chest through a surgical incision not specified 1-581.4
Examination of the larynx by endoscopy not specified 1-610.0
Examination of the larynx by endoscopy not specified 1-610.2
Evaluation of swallowing with the help of a tube-shaped instrument with a camera mounted at the end (endoscope) not specified 1-613
not specified 1-636.2
Examination of the ureter by endoscopy not specified 1-665
Examination of the uterus by endoscopy not specified 1-672
Examination of the abdominal cavity or its organs by endoscopy not specified 1-694
Endoscopy of the digestive tract through a surgical opening or during another operation not specified 1-695.1
not specified 1-717.1
Examination of the bronchi by taking a sample of fluid or tissue with a needle not specified 1-843
Examination of a joint or of a bursa by taking a sample of fluid or tissue with a needle not specified 1-854.1
Examination of a joint or of a bursa by taking a sample of fluid or tissue with a needle not specified 1-854.2
Examination of a joint or of a bursa by taking a sample of fluid or tissue with a needle not specified 1-854.3
Examination of a joint or of a bursa by taking a sample of fluid or tissue with a needle not specified 1-854.6
Examination of a joint or of a bursa by taking a sample of fluid or tissue with a needle not specified 1-854.a
not specified 1-941.31
not specified 1-995.02
not specified 1-995.11
not specified 1-995.20
not specified 1-996.08
Additional information for investigations not specified 1-999.00
Complex differential diagnostic sonography of the vascular system with quantitative evaluation not specified 3-035
Ultrasound scanning of the blood vessels after the insertion of an ultrasound probe into the vessels not specified 3-05g.0
Special imaging procedures, for example, to examine the back of the eye (retina) not specified 3-300.0
Measurement of the mineral content of the bone - bone density measurement not specified 3-900
Computer assisted visualisation of body structures in 3 dimensions - virtual 3D reconstruction technique not specified 3-994
Surgical opening of the top of the skull not specified 5-010.00
Surgical opening of the top of the skull not specified 5-010.03
Surgical opening of the top of the skull not specified 5-010.10
Surgical opening of the top of the skull not specified 5-010.11
Surgical opening of the top of the skull not specified 5-010.14
Surgical opening of the top of the skull not specified 5-010.1x
Surgical opening of the top of the skull not specified 5-010.4
Surgical opening of the top of the skull not specified 5-010.x
Surgical removal or destruction of diseased brain tissue not specified 5-015.20
Reconstructive operations on the skull - cranioplasty not specified 5-020.70
Surgical incision into the cerebrospinal fluid spaces not specified 5-022.10
Surgical incision, surgical removal, destruction or closure of blood vessels in the brain or meninges not specified 5-025.2
Other operations on the skull (cranium), brain or meninges not specified 5-029.11
Surgical access to the thoracic spine not specified 5-031.01
Surgical access to the thoracic spine not specified 5-031.02
Surgical access to the thoracic spine not specified 5-031.20
Surgical access to the thoracic spine not specified 5-031.7
Surgical access to the lumbar spine, sacrum or coccyx not specified 5-032.01
Surgical access to the lumbar spine, sacrum or coccyx not specified 5-032.02
Surgical access to the lumbar spine, sacrum or coccyx not specified 5-032.11
Surgical access to the lumbar spine, sacrum or coccyx not specified 5-032.40
Surgical access to the lumbar spine, sacrum or coccyx not specified 5-032.41
Surgical incision into the spinal canal not specified 5-033.0
Surgical incision into the spinal canal not specified 5-033.3
Surgical removal or destruction of diseased tissue in the spinal cord or spinal meninges not specified 5-035.4
Reconstructive operations on the spinal cord or spinal meninges not specified 5-036.8
Surgical removal of half of the thyroid gland not specified 5-061.0
Surgical removal of the thyroid gland not specified 5-063.0
Partial surgical removal of the parathyroid glands not specified 5-066.0
Other operations on the thyroid gland or parathyroid glands not specified 5-069.40
Surgical removal or destruction of diseased tissue in the cornea of the eye not specified 5-123.00
Other operations on the cornea of the eye not specified 5-129.2
Other operations to fix the retina after detachment not specified 5-154.2
Other operations on the retina not specified 5-156.9
Surgical incision into the eardrum (tympanic membrane) not specified 5-200.4
Surgical treatment of nosebleeds not specified 5-210.1
Operation on several paranasal sinuses not specified 5-224.63
Operation on several paranasal sinuses not specified 5-224.6x
Tooth extraction not specified 5-230.0
Tooth extraction not specified 5-230.3
Tooth extraction not specified 5-230.4
Surgical tooth extraction by opening the jawbone not specified 5-231.22
Surgical tooth extraction by opening the jawbone not specified 5-231.x1
Corrective surgery on the gums (gingiva) not specified 5-241.0
Other operations or other measures on the teeth, gums (gingival) or alveoli not specified 5-249.3
Surgical incision and drainage of fluid from the mouth, jaw or facial region not specified 5-270.6
Surgical incision and drainage of fluid from the mouth, jaw or facial region not specified 5-270.9
Other operations on the tonsils or adenoids not specified 5-289.00
Other operations on the tonsils or adenoids not specified 5-289.1
Insertion of a permanent, artificial tracheal opening not specified 5-312.0
Insertion of a permanent, artificial tracheal opening not specified 5-312.1
Insertion of a permanent, artificial tracheal opening not specified 5-312.2
Reconstructive operations on the trachea not specified 5-316.3
Other operations on the larynx or trachea not specified 5-319.14
Surgical removal or destruction of diseased tissue in a bronchus not specified 5-320.0
Surgical removal or destruction of diseased tissue in a bronchus not specified 5-320.4
Division of adhesions between the lungs and chest wall - lysis of adhesions not specified 5-333.1
Other operations on the lungs or bronchi not specified 5-339.01
Other operations on the lungs or bronchi not specified 5-339.06
not specified 5-339.a
Surgical incision into the chest wall or pleura not specified 5-340.a
Surgical incision into the chest wall or pleura not specified 5-340.c
Surgical incision into the chest wall or pleura not specified 5-340.d
Surgical incision into the mediastinum not specified 5-341.31
Surgical removal or destruction of diseased tissue in the mediastinum not specified 5-342.03
Surgical removal or destruction of diseased tissue in the chest wall not specified 5-343.2
Surgical removal or destruction of diseased tissue in the chest wall not specified 5-343.3
Surgical removal of the pleura not specified 5-344.43
Other operations on the chest not specified 5-349.6
Surgical bypass grafting for narrowed coronary arteries not specified 5-361.07
Surgical bypass grafting for narrowed coronary arteries not specified 5-361.23
Surgical removal or destruction of diseased tissue in the pericardium, or removal of the pericardium not specified 5-372.2
Surgical removal or destruction of diseased tissue in the pericardium, or removal of the pericardium not specified 5-372.3
Other operations on the heart or pericardium not specified 5-379.0
Surgical opening of the blood vessels or removal of a blood clot not specified 5-380.11
Surgical opening of the blood vessels or removal of a blood clot not specified 5-380.20
Surgical opening of the blood vessels or removal of a blood clot not specified 5-380.24
Resection and replacement of (parts of) blood vessels not specified 5-383.a1
Surgical removal of part of the aorta with the interposition of a graft not specified 5-384.01
Surgical removal of part of the aorta with the interposition of a graft not specified 5-384.d1
Other surgical removal of blood vessels because of vascular disease or for grafting not specified 5-386.a5
Surgical suture of blood vessels not specified 5-388.24
Other surgical closure of blood vessels not specified 5-389.6x
Other surgical closure of blood vessels not specified 5-389.91
Removal of blood vessels for transplantation during endoscopy not specified 5-38b.a6
Creating a connection (shunt) between an artery and a vein not specified 5-392.31
not specified 5-394.11
Surgical closure of a hole in the blood vessel wall with a skin or synthetic flap not specified 5-395.12
Other operations on blood vessels not specified 5-399.6
Surgical removal of individual lymph nodes or lymphatic vessels not specified 5-401.h
Removal of blood stem cells from the bone marrow and the blood for transplantation not specified 5-410.31
Other operations on the oesophagus not specified 5-429.8
Other operations on the oesophagus not specified 5-429.e
Other operations on the oesophagus not specified 5-429.j1
Other operations on the oesophagus not specified 5-429.u
Surgical insertion of a tube into the stomach through the abdominal wall for artificial feeding not specified 5-431.21
Surgical removal or destruction of diseased tissue in the stomach not specified 5-433.21
Surgical removal or destruction of diseased tissue in the stomach not specified 5-433.52
Other operations on the stomach not specified 5-449.h3
Other operations on the stomach not specified 5-449.j3
Other operations on the stomach not specified 5-449.s3
Other operations on the stomach not specified 5-449.t3
Complete surgical removal of the colon as well as the rectum not specified 5-456.00
Creation of an artificial bowel opening (ostomy) with a single stoma, as a standalone operation not specified 5-461.50
Other operations on the intestine not specified 5-469.20
Other operations on the intestine not specified 5-469.70
Other operations on the intestine not specified 5-469.k3
Other operations on the intestine not specified 5-469.n3
Surgical removal or destruction of diseased tissue in the rectum with access through the anus not specified 5-482.01
Other operations on the rectum not specified 5-489.d
Other operations on the rectum not specified 5-489.e
Surgical incision into or removal of tissue from the anus not specified 5-490.0
Surgical treatment of abnormal passages in the region of the anus (anal fistula) not specified 5-491.2
Other operations on the biliary tract not specified 5-514.b3
Other reconstructive operations on the biliary tract not specified 5-516.0
Surgical removal or destruction of diseased tissue in the pancreas not specified 5-521.0
Surgical repair of other soft tissue hernias in the abdomen not specified 5-539.31
Surgical opening of the abdominal cavity or tissue lying behind (retroperitoneum) not specified 5-541.0
Surgical opening of the abdominal cavity or tissue lying behind (retroperitoneum) not specified 5-541.1
Surgical opening of the abdominal cavity or tissue lying behind (retroperitoneum) not specified 5-541.2
Surgical opening of the abdominal cavity or tissue lying behind (retroperitoneum) not specified 5-541.3
Surgical repair of the abdominal wall or the peritoneum not specified 5-545.1
Surgical repair of the abdominal wall or the peritoneum not specified 5-545.x
Other abdominal operations not specified 5-549.2
Other abdominal operations not specified 5-549.4
Open operation with incision into the kidney or the renal pelvis or insertion of a tube to drain urine from the kidney or the renal pelvis not specified 5-551.1
Surgical removal or destruction of (diseased) tissue in the kidney not specified 5-552.52
Surgical removal of the kidney not specified 5-554.40
Removal of stones, foreign bodies or collections of blood from the bladder by endoscopy not specified 5-570.4
Surgical creation of a connection between the urinary bladder and skin of the abdomen for artificial urinary drainage not specified 5-572.1
not specified 5-573.32
Surgical incision, removal or destruction of diseased tissue in the urinary bladder, with access through the urethra not specified 5-573.41
Surgical opening of the urethra in a man with an open operation (urethrotomy) or creating a connection between the urethra and the perineum for urinary drainage (urethrostomy) not specified 5-580.0
Other operations on the urethra or the surrounding tissue not specified 5-589.0
Surgical removal or destruction of prostatic tissue through the urethra not specified 5-601.1
Surgical removal or destruction of prostatic tissue through the urethra not specified 5-601.x
Surgical removal or destruction of diseased scrotal tissue not specified 5-612.1
Surgical removal or destruction of tissue in the ovary not specified 5-651.a2
Surgical removal of a cone-shaped piece of tissue (biopsy) from the cervix not specified 5-671.01
Surgical division, removal or destruction of (diseased tissue in) bones of the face not specified 5-770.7
Surgical incision into bony tissue because of sterile or infected contaminated bone disease not specified 5-780.2d
Surgical incision into bony tissue because of sterile or infected contaminated bone disease not specified 5-780.6c
Surgical incision into bony tissue because of sterile or infected contaminated bone disease not specified 5-780.6d
Surgical removal of diseased bone tissue not specified 5-782.2f
Surgical removal of diseased bone tissue not specified 5-782.a0
Surgical fixation of the bone fragments, e.g. in fractures, using devices such as screws or plates not specified 5-786.8
Removal of the devices used to fix bone fragments, e.g. in fractures not specified 5-787.km
Surgical reduction of a comminuted fracture in the joint region of a long bone and fixation of the bone fragments using devices such as screws or plates not specified 5-794.03
Surgical reduction of a comminuted fracture in the joint region of a long bone and fixation of the bone fragments using devices such as screws or plates not specified 5-794.k3
Open surgical procedure on a joint not specified 5-800.00
Open surgical procedure on a joint not specified 5-800.01
Open surgical procedure on a joint not specified 5-800.0h
Open surgical procedure on a joint not specified 5-800.20
Open surgical procedure on a joint not specified 5-800.27
Open surgical procedure on a joint not specified 5-800.2g
Open surgical procedure on a joint not specified 5-800.2h
Open surgical procedure on a joint not specified 5-800.3h
Open surgical procedure on a joint not specified 5-800.8e
Open surgical procedure on a joint not specified 5-800.a7
Surgical procedure on a joint by endoscopy not specified 5-810.1n
Operation on the articular cartilage or on the cartilage discs (menisci) by endoscopy (arthroscopy) not specified 5-812.01
Surgical implantation of an artificial hip joint not specified 5-820.00
Surgical implantation of an artificial hip joint not specified 5-820.01
Surgical implantation of an artificial hip joint not specified 5-820.02
Surgical implantation of an artificial hip joint not specified 5-820.21
Surgical implantation of an artificial hip joint not specified 5-820.41
Surgical insertion, re-operation, exchange or removal of transplanted or transposed bone (fragments) not specified 5-828.0
Other operations to secure or restore the function of a joint not specified 5-829.c
Surgical incision into diseased bone or joint tissue in the spine not specified 5-830.0
Surgical incision into diseased bone or joint tissue in the spine not specified 5-830.4
Surgical removal of diseased intervertebral disc tissue not specified 5-831.0
Surgical removal of diseased bone or joint tissue in the spine not specified 5-832.2
Surgical removal of diseased bone or joint tissue in the spine not specified 5-832.6
Surgical removal of diseased bone or joint tissue in the spine not specified 5-832.8
not specified 5-836.37
Replacement of a vertebral body or complex reconstructive operation of the spine e.g. because of a humpback not specified 5-837.00
Other operations on the spine not specified 5-839.0
Other operations on the spine not specified 5-839.60
Other operations on the spine not specified 5-839.61
Other operations on the spine not specified 5-839.a0
Other operations on the spine not specified 5-839.a1
Other operations on the spine not specified 5-839.a2
Other operations on the spine not specified 5-839.h0
Other operations on the spine not specified 5-839.h1
not specified 5-83b.31
not specified 5-83b.51
Operation on the tendons of the hand not specified 5-840.44
Surgical procedure on the joints of the hand apart from the wrist not specified 5-844.21
Surgical stiffening of the joints of the hand apart from the wrist not specified 5-846.4
Surgical incision into the muscles, tendons or their connective tissue sheaths not specified 5-850.69
Surgical incision into the muscles, tendons or their connective tissue sheaths not specified 5-850.d9
Division of muscles, tendons or their connective tissue sheaths not specified 5-851.c9
Removal of parts of muscles, tendons or their connective tissue sheaths not specified 5-852.13
Removal of parts of muscles, tendons or their connective tissue sheaths not specified 5-852.62
Removal of parts of muscles, tendons or their connective tissue sheaths not specified 5-852.65
Removal of parts of muscles, tendons or their connective tissue sheaths not specified 5-852.69
Removal of parts of muscles, tendons or their connective tissue sheaths not specified 5-852.g0
Suturing or other operations on a tendon or a synovial sheath not specified 5-855.13
Surgical amputation of part of the hand or the whole hand not specified 5-863.4
Surgical amputation of part of the leg or the whole leg not specified 5-864.4
Surgical amputation of part of the foot or the whole foot not specified 5-865.8
Other operations on the bone, muscles or joints not specified 5-869.1
Other surgical incision into the skin or subcutaneous tissues not specified 5-892.04
Other surgical incision into the skin or subcutaneous tissues not specified 5-892.07
Other surgical incision into the skin or subcutaneous tissues not specified 5-892.09
Other surgical incision into the skin or subcutaneous tissues not specified 5-892.0e
Other surgical incision into the skin or subcutaneous tissues not specified 5-892.0f
Other surgical incision into the skin or subcutaneous tissues not specified 5-892.19
Other surgical incision into the skin or subcutaneous tissues not specified 5-892.1e
Surgical removal of diseased tissue from the skin or subcutaneous tissues not specified 5-894.05
Surgical removal of diseased tissue from the skin or subcutaneous tissues not specified 5-894.0f
Extensive surgical removal of diseased tissue from the skin or subcutaneous tissues not specified 5-895.0d
not specified 5-896.09
not specified 5-896.17
not specified 5-896.19
not specified 5-896.1a
not specified 5-896.1d
not specified 5-896.1f
not specified 5-896.2a
Simple surgical closure of the skin or the subcutaneous tissues after injuries, e.g. with a suture not specified 5-900.04
Simple surgical closure of the skin or the subcutaneous tissues after injuries, e.g. with a suture not specified 5-900.0a
Simple surgical closure of the skin or the subcutaneous tissues after injuries, e.g. with a suture not specified 5-900.0f
Simple surgical closure of the skin or the subcutaneous tissues after injuries, e.g. with a suture not specified 5-900.17
Free skin flap grafting [site of removal and nature of the graft] not specified 5-902.47
Other reconstructive operations on the skin or subcutaneous tissues not specified 5-909.xc
Operation to tighten the skin or subcutaneous tissues and remove fatty tissue, apart from the face not specified 5-911.17
Operation to tighten the skin or subcutaneous tissues and remove fatty tissue, apart from the face not specified 5-911.18
Temporary covering of soft tissue injuries with skin or artificial skin not specified 5-916.a1
Temporary covering of soft tissue injuries with skin or artificial skin not specified 5-916.a2
Temporary covering of soft tissue injuries with skin or artificial skin not specified 5-916.a3
Nature of the graft material not specified 5-930.4
Type of material used for tissue replacement and tissue reinforcement not specified 5-932.13
Use of a cardiac pacemaker that can be used in a magnetic resonance tomography unit not specified 5-934.0
not specified 5-936.0
not specified 5-938.0
Revision operations not specified 5-983
Operation with the smallest possible incision into the skin and minimal tissue damage (minimally invasive) not specified 5-986.x
Operation using a navigation system which produces real-time 3-D images of the surgical site during the operation not specified 5-988.0
Operation using a navigation system which produces real-time 3-D images of the surgical site during the operation not specified 5-988.3
Operation using a navigation system which produces real-time 3-D images of the surgical site during the operation not specified 5-988.x
not specified 5-98c.2
Intra-operative blood flow measurement in vessels not specified 5-98e
not specified 5-98h.2
not specified 5-98h.3
not specified 5-98h.6
Premature termination of an operation (operation not carried out completely) not specified 5-995
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 1 of the procedures list not specified 6-001.1e
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 1 of the procedures list not specified 6-001.92
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 1 of the procedures list not specified 6-001.95
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 1 of the procedures list not specified 6-001.96
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 1 of the procedures list not specified 6-001.97
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 1 of the procedures list not specified 6-001.98
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 1 of the procedures list not specified 6-001.99
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 1 of the procedures list not specified 6-001.9a
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 1 of the procedures list not specified 6-001.9b
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 1 of the procedures list not specified 6-001.9d
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 1 of the procedures list not specified 6-001.9e
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 1 of the procedures list not specified 6-001.9j
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 1 of the procedures list not specified 6-001.a1
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 1 of the procedures list not specified 6-001.a3
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 1 of the procedures list not specified 6-001.a4
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 1 of the procedures list not specified 6-001.a6
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 1 of the procedures list not specified 6-001.b6
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 1 of the procedures list not specified 6-001.b7
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 1 of the procedures list not specified 6-001.c8
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 1 of the procedures list not specified 6-001.g0
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 1 of the procedures list not specified 6-001.g1
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 1 of the procedures list not specified 6-001.gb
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 1 of the procedures list not specified 6-001.hc
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 1 of the procedures list not specified 6-001.hf
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 1 of the procedures list not specified 6-001.hg
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 1 of the procedures list not specified 6-001.hh
not specified 6-001.hn
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 1 of the procedures list not specified 6-001.j3
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 1 of the procedures list not specified 6-001.ka
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 2 of the procedures list not specified 6-002.19
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 2 of the procedures list not specified 6-002.1a
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 2 of the procedures list not specified 6-002.1b
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 2 of the procedures list not specified 6-002.1c
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 2 of the procedures list not specified 6-002.1d
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 2 of the procedures list not specified 6-002.1e
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 2 of the procedures list not specified 6-002.55
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 2 of the procedures list not specified 6-002.57
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 2 of the procedures list not specified 6-002.58
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 2 of the procedures list not specified 6-002.74
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 2 of the procedures list not specified 6-002.76
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 2 of the procedures list not specified 6-002.89
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 2 of the procedures list not specified 6-002.8a
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 2 of the procedures list not specified 6-002.95
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 2 of the procedures list not specified 6-002.9b
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 2 of the procedures list not specified 6-002.d6
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 2 of the procedures list not specified 6-002.d8
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 2 of the procedures list not specified 6-002.da
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 2 of the procedures list not specified 6-002.db
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 2 of the procedures list not specified 6-002.p8
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 2 of the procedures list not specified 6-002.pa
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 2 of the procedures list not specified 6-002.q0
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 2 of the procedures list not specified 6-002.q2
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 2 of the procedures list not specified 6-002.q4
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 2 of the procedures list not specified 6-002.q5
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 2 of the procedures list not specified 6-002.q7
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 2 of the procedures list not specified 6-002.q8
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 2 of the procedures list not specified 6-002.qa
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 2 of the procedures list not specified 6-002.qc
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 2 of the procedures list not specified 6-002.qd
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 2 of the procedures list not specified 6-002.qk
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 2 of the procedures list not specified 6-002.qm
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 2 of the procedures list not specified 6-002.r4
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 2 of the procedures list not specified 6-002.r5
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 2 of the procedures list not specified 6-002.r6
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 2 of the procedures list not specified 6-002.r7
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 2 of the procedures list not specified 6-002.rc
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 3 of the procedures list not specified 6-003.g1
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 3 of the procedures list not specified 6-003.g2
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 3 of the procedures list not specified 6-003.g5
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 3 of the procedures list not specified 6-003.g7
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 3 of the procedures list not specified 6-003.g9
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 3 of the procedures list not specified 6-003.gb
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 3 of the procedures list not specified 6-003.gd
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 3 of the procedures list not specified 6-003.ge
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 3 of the procedures list not specified 6-003.gg
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 3 of the procedures list not specified 6-003.h2
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 3 of the procedures list not specified 6-003.h5
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 3 of the procedures list not specified 6-003.jh
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 3 of the procedures list not specified 6-003.k0
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 3 of the procedures list not specified 6-003.kh
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 3 of the procedures list not specified 6-003.kj
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 3 of the procedures list not specified 6-003.kk
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 3 of the procedures list not specified 6-003.kn
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 3 of the procedures list not specified 6-003.kp
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 3 of the procedures list not specified 6-003.kr
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 3 of the procedures list not specified 6-003.p1
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 3 of the procedures list not specified 6-003.p2
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 3 of the procedures list not specified 6-003.p3
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 3 of the procedures list not specified 6-003.p4
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 3 of the procedures list not specified 6-003.p6
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 3 of the procedures list not specified 6-003.q
Administration of medicines according to List 4 of the Catalogue of Procedures not specified 6-004.30
Administration of medicines according to List 4 of the Catalogue of Procedures not specified 6-004.31
Administration of medicines according to List 4 of the Catalogue of Procedures not specified 6-004.40
Administration of medicines according to List 4 of the Catalogue of Procedures not specified 6-004.47
Administration of medicines according to List 4 of the Catalogue of Procedures not specified 6-004.48
Administration of medicines according to List 4 of the Catalogue of Procedures not specified 6-004.49
Administration of medicines according to List 4 of the Catalogue of Procedures not specified 6-004.4a
Administration of medicines according to List 4 of the Catalogue of Procedures not specified 6-004.4b
Administration of medicines according to List 4 of the Catalogue of Procedures not specified 6-004.4c
Administration of medicines according to List 4 of the Catalogue of Procedures not specified 6-004.4d
Administration of medicines according to List 4 of the Catalogue of Procedures not specified 6-004.4e
Administration of medicines according to List 4 of the Catalogue of Procedures not specified 6-004.4g
Administration of medicines according to List 4 of the Catalogue of Procedures not specified 6-004.50
Administration of medicines according to List 4 of the Catalogue of Procedures not specified 6-004.51
Administration of medicines according to List 4 of the Catalogue of Procedures not specified 6-004.54
Administration of medicines according to List 4 of the Catalogue of Procedures not specified 6-004.55
Administration of medicines according to List 4 of the Catalogue of Procedures not specified 6-004.56
Administration of medicines according to List 4 of the Catalogue of Procedures not specified 6-004.57
Administration of medicines according to List 4 of the Catalogue of Procedures not specified 6-004.58
Administration of medicines according to List 4 of the Catalogue of Procedures not specified 6-004.5e
Administration of medicines according to List 4 of the Catalogue of Procedures not specified 6-004.5f
Administration of medicines according to List 4 of the Catalogue of Procedures not specified 6-004.5g
Administration of medicines according to List 4 of the Catalogue of Procedures not specified 6-004.5h
Administration of medicines according to List 4 of the Catalogue of Procedures not specified 6-004.73
Administration of medicines according to List 4 of the Catalogue of Procedures not specified 6-004.a7
Administration of medicines according to List 4 of the Catalogue of Procedures not specified 6-004.a9
Administration of medicines according to List 4 of the Catalogue of Procedures not specified 6-004.d
Administration of medicines according to List 5 of the Catalogue of Procedures not specified 6-005.01
Administration of medicines according to List 5 of the Catalogue of Procedures not specified 6-005.04
Administration of medicines according to List 5 of the Catalogue of Procedures not specified 6-005.4
Administration of medicines according to List 5 of the Catalogue of Procedures not specified 6-005.5
Administration of medicines according to List 5 of the Catalogue of Procedures not specified 6-005.8
Administration of medicines according to List 5 of the Catalogue of Procedures not specified 6-005.90
Administration of medicines according to List 5 of the Catalogue of Procedures not specified 6-005.91
Administration of medicines according to List 5 of the Catalogue of Procedures not specified 6-005.92
Administration of medicines according to List 5 of the Catalogue of Procedures not specified 6-005.94
Administration of medicines according to List 5 of the Catalogue of Procedures not specified 6-005.96
Administration of medicines according to List 5 of the Catalogue of Procedures not specified 6-005.9e
Administration of medicines according to List 5 of the Catalogue of Procedures not specified 6-005.a
Administration of medicines according to List 5 of the Catalogue of Procedures not specified 6-005.c
Administration of medicines according to List 5 of the Catalogue of Procedures not specified 6-005.d1
Administration of medicines according to List 5 of the Catalogue of Procedures not specified 6-005.d2
Administration of medicines according to List 5 of the Catalogue of Procedures not specified 6-005.k9
Administration of medicines according to List 5 of the Catalogue of Procedures not specified 6-005.ka
Administration of medicines according to List 5 of the Catalogue of Procedures not specified 6-005.ke
Administration of medicines according to List 5 of the Catalogue of Procedures not specified 6-005.kh
Administration of medicines according to List 5 of the Catalogue of Procedures not specified 6-005.m2
Administration of medicines according to List 5 of the Catalogue of Procedures not specified 6-005.m4
Administration of medicines according to List 5 of the Catalogue of Procedures not specified 6-005.m5
Administration of medicines according to List 5 of the Catalogue of Procedures not specified 6-005.m7
Administration of medicines according to List 5 of the Catalogue of Procedures not specified 6-005.mf
Administration of medicines according to List 5 of the Catalogue of Procedures not specified 6-005.mh
Administration of medicines according to List 5 of the Catalogue of Procedures not specified 6-005.n2
not specified 6-006.00
not specified 6-006.01
not specified 6-006.05
not specified 6-006.06
not specified 6-006.0a
not specified 6-006.20
not specified 6-006.21
not specified 6-006.22
not specified 6-006.9
not specified 6-006.b5
not specified 6-006.b6
not specified 6-006.ea
not specified 6-006.j3
not specified 6-006.j7
not specified 6-006.ja
not specified 6-006.jb
not specified 6-006.jd
not specified 6-006.jf
not specified 6-006.jg
not specified 6-006.jk
not specified 6-006.jm
not specified 6-006.jp
not specified 6-007.04
not specified 6-007.31
not specified 6-007.4
not specified 6-007.5
not specified 6-007.61
not specified 6-007.62
not specified 6-007.63
not specified 6-007.72
not specified 6-007.91
not specified 6-007.j2
not specified 6-007.k0
not specified 6-007.k1
not specified 6-007.k2
not specified 6-007.k7
not specified 6-007.kc
not specified 6-007.m0
not specified 6-007.m2
not specified 6-007.m3
not specified 6-007.m4
not specified 6-007.n0
not specified 6-007.n5
not specified 6-007.n7
not specified 6-007.n8
not specified 6-007.n9
not specified 6-007.na
not specified 6-007.nb
not specified 6-007.p0
not specified 6-007.p1
not specified 6-007.pd
not specified 6-007.pe
not specified 6-007.ph
not specified 6-008.1
not specified 6-008.76
not specified 6-008.7f
not specified 6-008.95
not specified 6-008.96
not specified 6-008.j
not specified 6-008.m2
not specified 6-008.m3
not specified 6-009.3g
not specified 6-009.3n
not specified 6-009.3r
not specified 6-009.aa
not specified 6-009.ac
not specified 6-009.ad
not specified 6-009.ae
not specified 6-009.af
not specified 6-009.ag
not specified 6-009.ah
not specified 6-009.an
not specified 6-009.d9
not specified 6-009.n
not specified 6-00a.0
not specified 6-00a.13
not specified 6-00a.9
not specified 6-00a.b0
not specified 6-00a.b9
not specified 6-00a.ba
not specified 6-00a.c
not specified 6-00a.k2
not specified 6-00a.k5
not specified 6-00a.k6
not specified 6-00a.k7
not specified 6-00a.k9
not specified 6-00a.kc
not specified 6-00b.5
not specified 6-00b.8
not specified 6-00c.3
not specified 6-00c.7
not specified 6-00d.1
not specified 6-00d.a
not specified 6-00d.h
Stomach pumping (gastric lavage) not specified 8-120
Intestinal lavage not specified 8-121
Exchange or removal of a feeding tube inserted into the stomach through the skin not specified 8-123.0
Insertion or exchange of a tube inserted into the small intestine through the oesophagus not specified 8-125.2
Injection or administration of medicines into the urinary bladder not specified 8-132.0
Injection or administration of medicines into the urinary bladder not specified 8-132.1
Injection or administration of medicines into the urinary bladder not specified 8-132.2
Exchange or removal of a urinary catheter through the abdominal wall not specified 8-133.0
Insertion, exchange or removal of a ureteral stent not specified 8-137.02
not specified 8-137.20
Other procedure on the kidney, ureter, bladder or urethra not specified 8-139.00
Insertion of a small tube (cannula) or catheter in the kidney or urinary tract for the drainage of fluid other than urine not specified 8-147.0
Insertion of a small tube (cannula) or catheter into another organ or tissue for the drainage of fluid not specified 8-148.3
Treatment by the targeted insertion of a needle into the chest with subsequent administration or removal of substances, e.g. fluid not specified 8-152.0
Treatment by lavage of the lung or the cavity between the lung and ribs not specified 8-173.0
Treatment by lavage of the lung or the cavity between the lung and ribs not specified 8-173.10
Treatment by washing out (lavage) the abdominal cavity with a drain and temporary closure of the abdominal wall not specified 8-176.2
Other treatment by irrigation or lavage not specified 8-179.x
Specific dressing techniques not specified 8-190.20
Specific dressing techniques not specified 8-190.21
Specific dressing techniques not specified 8-190.22
Specific dressing techniques not specified 8-190.23
Dressings for large areas of skin or serious skin diseases not specified 8-191.5
not specified 8-192.0a
not specified 8-192.0e
not specified 8-192.0f
not specified 8-192.0g
not specified 8-192.1f
Treatment by specific positioning of the patient in bed, e.g. positioning in a sling table or special bed not specified 8-390.0
Exchange or removal of the absorbent pack used to stop bleeding (tamponade) not specified 8-506
Other type of the high-energy radiotherapy, e.g. by means of telecobalt machines and linear accelerators not specified 8-523.6
Intraoperative radiotherapy with X-rays not specified 8-52d
Treatment with radioactive substance taken up by the body not specified 8-530.d0
Cancer treatment for one or more days with chemotherapy drugs administered into a vein or beneath the skin not specified 8-542.13
Cancer treatment for one or more days with chemotherapy drugs administered into a vein or beneath the skin not specified 8-542.21
Cancer treatment for one or more days with chemotherapy drugs administered into a vein or beneath the skin not specified 8-542.31
Cancer treatment for one or more days with chemotherapy drugs administered into a vein or beneath the skin not specified 8-542.32
Cancer treatment for one or more days with chemotherapy drugs administered into a vein or beneath the skin not specified 8-542.51
Cancer treatment for several days (e.g. 2-4 days) with two or more chemotherapy drugs administered into a vein not specified 8-543.44
Cancer treatment for several days (e.g. 2-4 days) with two or more chemotherapy drugs administered into a vein not specified 8-543.45
Cancer treatment for several days (e.g. 5-8 days) with two or more chemotherapy drugs administered into a vein not specified 8-544.0
Others therapeutic procedures to influence the immune system not specified 8-547.2
Others therapeutic procedures to influence the immune system not specified 8-547.x
Treatment of cardiac arrhythmias with electric shocks - defibrillation not specified 8-640.1
Temporary stimulation of the heart rhythm by an external cardiac pacemaker not specified 8-641
Keeping the respiratory tract open by means of a tube through the mouth or nose not specified 8-700.0
Keeping the respiratory tract open by means of a tube through the mouth or nose not specified 8-700.1
Installation and adjustment of a mechanical ventilator for home use not specified 8-716.00
Installation and adjustment of a mechanical ventilator for home use not specified 8-716.10
not specified 8-718.72
not specified 8-718.73
Other resuscitation measures not specified 8-779
Transfusion of blood, red blood cells or platelets from a donor to a recipient not specified 8-800.60
Transfusion of blood, red blood cells or platelets from a donor to a recipient not specified 8-800.61
Transfusion of blood, red blood cells or platelets from a donor to a recipient not specified 8-800.63
Transfusion of blood, red blood cells or platelets from a donor to a recipient not specified 8-800.6a
Transfusion of blood, red blood cells or platelets from a donor to a recipient not specified 8-800.c5
Transfusion of blood, red blood cells or platelets from a donor to a recipient not specified 8-800.c8
Transfusion of blood, red blood cells or platelets from a donor to a recipient not specified 8-800.c9
Transfusion of blood, red blood cells or platelets from a donor to a recipient not specified 8-800.ff
Transfusion of blood, red blood cells or platelets from a donor to a recipient not specified 8-800.fg
Transfusion of blood, red blood cells or platelets from a donor to a recipient not specified 8-800.fh
Transfusion of blood, red blood cells or platelets from a donor to a recipient not specified 8-800.fj
Transfusion of blood, red blood cells or platelets from a donor to a recipient not specified 8-800.fn
Transfusion of blood, red blood cells or platelets from a donor to a recipient not specified 8-800.fp
Transfusion of blood, red blood cells or platelets from a donor to a recipient not specified 8-800.fr
Transfusion of blood, red blood cells or platelets from a donor to a recipient not specified 8-800.g3
Transfusion of blood, red blood cells or platelets from a donor to a recipient not specified 8-800.g5
Transfusion of blood, red blood cells or platelets from a donor to a recipient not specified 8-800.g6
Transfusion of blood, red blood cells or platelets from a donor to a recipient not specified 8-800.gc
Transfusion of blood, red blood cells or platelets from a donor to a recipient not specified 8-800.gg
Transfusion of white blood cells from a donor not specified 8-802.70
Transfusion of white blood cells from a donor not specified 8-802.81
Transfusion of blood previously taken from a person - autologous blood transfusion not specified 8-803.2
Transfusion of blood previously taken from a person - autologous blood transfusion not specified 8-803.3
Transfusion of blood stem cells obtained from donor blood not specified 8-805.25
Transfusion of blood stem cells obtained from donor blood not specified 8-805.30
Transfusion of blood stem cells obtained from donor blood not specified 8-805.7
Transfusion of blood plasma or plasma components or genetically engineered blood proteins not specified 8-810.66
Transfusion of blood plasma or plasma components or genetically engineered blood proteins not specified 8-810.86
Transfusion of blood plasma or plasma components or genetically engineered blood proteins not specified 8-810.89
Transfusion of blood plasma or plasma components or genetically engineered blood proteins not specified 8-810.8c
Transfusion of blood plasma or plasma components or genetically engineered blood proteins not specified 8-810.8e
Transfusion of blood plasma or plasma components or genetically engineered blood proteins not specified 8-810.8g
Transfusion of blood plasma or plasma components or genetically engineered blood proteins not specified 8-810.8z
Transfusion of blood plasma or plasma components or genetically engineered blood proteins not specified 8-810.d5
Transfusion of blood plasma or plasma components or genetically engineered blood proteins not specified 8-810.d9
Transfusion of blood plasma or plasma components or genetically engineered blood proteins not specified 8-810.ea
Transfusion of blood plasma or plasma components or genetically engineered blood proteins not specified 8-810.ec
Transfusion of blood plasma or plasma components or genetically engineered blood proteins not specified 8-810.ee
Transfusion of blood plasma or plasma components or genetically engineered blood proteins not specified 8-810.eq
Transfusion of blood plasma or plasma components or genetically engineered blood proteins not specified 8-810.g3
Transfusion of blood plasma or plasma components or genetically engineered blood proteins not specified 8-810.g4
Transfusion of blood plasma or plasma components or genetically engineered blood proteins not specified 8-810.g5
Transfusion of blood plasma or plasma components or genetically engineered blood proteins not specified 8-810.g6
Transfusion of blood plasma or plasma components or genetically engineered blood proteins not specified 8-810.g8
Transfusion of blood plasma or plasma components or genetically engineered blood proteins not specified 8-810.j6
Transfusion of blood plasma or plasma components or genetically engineered blood proteins not specified 8-810.j7
Transfusion of blood plasma or plasma components or genetically engineered blood proteins not specified 8-810.j8
Transfusion of blood plasma or plasma components or genetically engineered blood proteins not specified 8-810.j9
Transfusion of blood plasma or plasma components or genetically engineered blood proteins not specified 8-810.ja
Transfusion of blood plasma or plasma components or genetically engineered blood proteins not specified 8-810.jb
Transfusion of blood plasma or plasma components or genetically engineered blood proteins not specified 8-810.jd
Transfusion of blood plasma or plasma components or genetically engineered blood proteins not specified 8-810.jf
Transfusion of blood plasma or plasma components or genetically engineered blood proteins not specified 8-810.jh
Transfusion of blood plasma or plasma components or genetically engineered blood proteins not specified 8-810.jk
Transfusion of blood plasma or plasma components or genetically engineered blood proteins not specified 8-810.jn
Transfusion of blood plasma or plasma components or genetically engineered blood proteins not specified 8-810.w5
Transfusion of blood plasma or plasma components or genetically engineered blood proteins not specified 8-810.w6
Transfusion of blood plasma or plasma components or genetically engineered blood proteins not specified 8-810.w9
Transfusion of blood plasma or plasma components or genetically engineered blood proteins not specified 8-810.wa
Transfusion of blood plasma or plasma components or genetically engineered blood proteins not specified 8-810.wb
Transfusion of blood plasma or plasma components or genetically engineered blood proteins not specified 8-810.wd
Transfusion of blood plasma or plasma components or genetically engineered blood proteins not specified 8-810.wf
Transfusion of blood plasma or plasma components or genetically engineered blood proteins not specified 8-810.wk
Transfusion of other plasma components or genetically engineered blood proteins not specified 8-812.55
Transfusion of other plasma components or genetically engineered blood proteins not specified 8-812.56
Transfusion of other plasma components or genetically engineered blood proteins not specified 8-812.57
Transfusion of other plasma components or genetically engineered blood proteins not specified 8-812.5a
Transfusion of other plasma components or genetically engineered blood proteins not specified 8-812.5c
Transfusion of other plasma components or genetically engineered blood proteins not specified 8-812.5d
Transfusion of other plasma components or genetically engineered blood proteins not specified 8-812.60
Transfusion of other plasma components or genetically engineered blood proteins not specified 8-812.61
Transfusion of other plasma components or genetically engineered blood proteins not specified 8-812.64
Treatment by the exchange of the patient-s own blood for a substitute solution not specified 8-820.01
Treatment by the exchange of the patient-s own blood for a substitute solution not specified 8-820.02
Treatment by the exchange of the patient-s own blood for a substitute solution not specified 8-820.03
Treatment by the exchange of the patient-s own blood for a substitute solution not specified 8-820.04
Treatment by the exchange of the patient-s own blood for a substitute solution not specified 8-820.09
Treatment by the exchange of the patient-s own blood for a substitute solution not specified 8-820.10
Treatment by the exchange of the patient-s own blood for a substitute solution not specified 8-820.11
Treatment by the exchange of the patient-s own blood for a substitute solution not specified 8-820.13
Treatment by the exchange of the patient-s own blood for a substitute solution not specified 8-820.14
Filtration of antibodies from the blood not specified 8-821.2
Irradiation of the blood with UV light for the treatment of certain cancers - photopheresis not specified 8-824
Treatment of the heart and/or the coronary arteries with access through a tube (catheter) along the blood vessels not specified 8-837.m1
Treatment of the heart and/or the coronary arteries with access through a tube (catheter) along the blood vessels not specified 8-837.m2
Treatment of the heart and/or the coronary arteries with access through a tube (catheter) along the blood vessels not specified 8-837.m3
Treatment of the heart and/or the coronary arteries with access through a tube (catheter) along the blood vessels not specified 8-837.m4
Treatment of the heart and/or the coronary arteries with access through a tube (catheter) along the blood vessels not specified 8-837.m6
Treatment of the heart and/or the coronary arteries with access through a tube (catheter) along the blood vessels not specified 8-837.x
Additional information on materials used not specified 8-83b.08
Additional information on materials used not specified 8-83b.2x
Additional information on materials used not specified 8-83b.36
Additional information on materials used not specified 8-83b.52
Additional information on materials used not specified 8-83b.71
Additional information on materials used not specified 8-83b.84
not specified 8-83b.8a
Additional information on materials used not specified 8-83b.a1
Additional information on materials used not specified 8-83b.b6
Additional information on materials used not specified 8-83b.b7
Additional information on materials used not specified 8-83b.ba
Additional information on materials used not specified 8-83b.bx
Additional information on materials used not specified 8-83b.c5
Additional information on materials used not specified 8-83b.n1
Additional information on materials used not specified 8-83b.n5
Implantation of non-drug eluting tubing (stents) in blood vessels not specified 8-840.0c
Implantation of non-drug eluting tubing (stents) in blood vessels not specified 8-840.0s
Implantation of eluting tubing (stent graft) with covered mesh in blood vessels not specified 8-848.12
Operation with the use of a heart-lung machine (cardiopulmonary bypass) not specified 8-851.40
Procedure to detoxify the blood outside the body with forced removal of the poison - haemofiltration not specified 8-853.70
Procedure to detoxify the blood outside the body with forced removal of the poison - haemofiltration not specified 8-853.71
Procedure to detoxify the blood outside the body with forced removal of the poison - haemofiltration not specified 8-853.72
Procedure to detoxify the blood outside the body with forced removal of the poison - haemofiltration not specified 8-853.84
Procedure for dialysing the blood outside the body with removal of the poison over a concentration gradient - dialysis not specified 8-854.5
Blood purification outside the body through a combination of haemofiltration and dialysis not specified 8-855.81
Blood purification outside the body through a combination of haemofiltration and dialysis not specified 8-855.82
Blood purification outside the body through a combination of haemofiltration and dialysis not specified 8-855.83
Blood purification procedure with detoxification through the peritoneum - peritoneal dialysis not specified 8-857.12
Blood purification procedure with detoxification through the peritoneum - peritoneal dialysis not specified 8-857.13
Dialysis because of impaired function or failure of a kidney transplant not specified 8-85a.00
Dialysis because of impaired function or failure of a kidney transplant not specified 8-85a.02
Regional pain control by injecting an anaesthetic into a space in the spinal canal (epidural space) not specified 8-910
Pain control by injecting an anaesthetic around a nerve root or nerve close to the spine not specified 8-914.12
Pain control by injecting an anaesthetic into a joint of the spine not specified 8-917.13
Comprehensive pain control for acute pain not specified 8-919
Monitoring of brain waves triggered by targeted stimuli (evoked potentials) not specified 8-921
Radio-controlled cardiological telemetry not specified 8-933
Interdisciplinary management for colonisation or infection with multiresistant germs (pathogens) not specified 8-987.00
not specified 8-98f.31
not specified 8-98f.40
not specified 8-98g.00
not specified 8-98g.02
not specified 8-98g.04
Treatment procedure to maintain and encourage practical everyday and social skills - psychosocial intervention not specified 9-401.10
Treatment procedure to maintain and encourage practical everyday and social skills - psychosocial intervention not specified 9-401.30
Treatment procedure to maintain and encourage practical everyday and social skills - psychosocial intervention not specified 9-401.31
Treatment procedure to maintain and encourage practical everyday and social skills - psychosocial intervention not specified 9-401.32
Patient education not specified 9-500.0
not specified 9-999.01
not specified 9-999.07
not specified 9-999.08
not specified 9-999.09
not specified 9-999.10