Klinik für Dermatologie, Allergologie und Umweltmedizin

Outpatient treatment options

Dermatologische Notfallambulanz
Type of outpatient clinic: Emergency outpatient clinic (24h) (AM08)
Service offered: Other - Focus of care dermatology
Dermatologische Privatambulanz
Type of outpatient clinic: Private outpatient clinic (AM07)
Comment: Zusätzlich: Computergestützte Naevus-/Melanomdiagnostik
Service offered: Other - Focus of care dermatology
Sprechstunde Dermatologie
Type of outpatient clinic: Pre- and post-inpatient services according to Article 115a of the SGB V (AM11)
Comment: Mit Einweisung vom Hautarzt oder Hausarzt
Service offered: Other - Focus of care dermatology