Klinik für Dermatologie, Allergologie und Umweltmedizin

Medical services offered (according to selection list)

Designation Key
Tagklinik VD00
Diagnosis and treatment of allergies VD01
Diagnosis and treatment of autoimmune diseases and HIV-associated diseases VD02
Diagnosis and treatment of skin tumours Beispielsweise i.v. Immuntherapie bei Melanom VD03
Diagnosis and treatment of other skin and subcutaneous diseases VD04
Diagnosis and treatment of bullous dermatoses VD05
Diagnosis and treatment of papulosquamous skin diseases VD06
Diagnosis and treatment of urticaria and erythema VD07
Special consultation hour - Dermatology VD11
Dermatohistology VD15
Dermatological light therapy UV-Therapie einschließlich Bade-PUVA VD16
Diagnosis and treatment of dermatitis and eczema VD17
Diagnosis and treatment of sexually transmitted diseases (venereology) VD19
Wound healing disorders Diagnostik und Therapie schlecht heilender Wunden und Ulzera, einschließlich Wundmanagement VD20