Klinik für Unfallchirurgie

Medical services offered (according to selection list)

Designation Key
Sonstige im Bereich Orthopädie VO00
Stoßwellentherapie bei Knochenheilungsstörungen VC00
Sonstige im Bereich Chirurgie VC00
Versorgung der Notfallpatienten im Rahmen der Unfallmedizin VC00
Diagnostik und Therapie von Ostheopatien VI00
Interdisziplinäre Notaufnahme VI00
Beratung und Behandlung zur Vorbereitung bei operativen Eingriffen VG00
Versorgung lebensgefährlich verletzter Patienten im Schockraum VX00
Wiederbelebungsmaßnahmen bei Notfällen im Krankenhaus VX00
Interdisziplinäre Notaufnahme VX00
Hyperbare Oxygenation VX00
Überwachung nach großen operativen Eingriffen VX00
Differenzierte Therapien mit Blut und Blutprodukten VX00
Künstliche intravenöse und enterale Ernährung VX00
Therapie von Erkrankungen des Herz-Kreislaufsystems VX00
Postoperative Überwachung und Behandlung im Aufwachraum VX00
Fremdblutsparende Verfahren (Hämodilution, maschinelle Autotransfusion) VX00
Narkosen bei ambulanten Eingriffen VX00
Privatsprechstunde VX00
Behandlung bei Phantomschmerz VC00
Behandlung von venösen und arteriellen Gefäßerkrankungen VN00
Vorbereitung auf den ambulanten Eingriff VG00
Beratung und Behandlung in der Tumornachsorge VG00
Überwachung und Therapie bei Schwangeren VX00
Mikrochirurgie VC00
Zertifiziertes, regionales Traumazentrum der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Unfallchirurgie VX00
Operations due to chest trauma VC13
Conservative treatment of arterial vascular diseases VC18
Diagnosis and treatment of venous diseases and secondary diseases VC19
Tumour Surgery VC24
Metal / foreign body removal VC26
Ligament reconstructions/plasties VC27
Joint replacement procedures / endoprosthetics VC28
Treatment of decubital ulcers VC29
Septic bone surgery VC30
Diagnosis and treatment of bone inflammation VC31
Diagnosis and treatment of head injuries VC32
Diagnosis and treatment of neck injuries VC33
Diagnosis and treatment of thoracic injuries VC34
Diagnosis and treatment of injuries to the lumbosacral region, the lumbar spine and the pelvis VC35
Diagnosis and treatment of shoulder and upper arm injuries VC36
Diagnosis and treatment of elbow and forearm injuries VC37
Diagnosis and treatment of wrist and hand injuries VC38
Diagnosis and treatment of hip and thigh injuries VC39
Diagnosis and treatment of knee and lower leg injuries VC40
Diagnosis and treatment of injuries to the ankle region and foot VC41
Diagnosis and treatment of other injuries VC42
Surgery for degenerative and traumatic damage to the cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine VC45
Surgery for movement disorders VC49
Peripheral nerve surgery VC50
Surgery for chronic pain disorders VC51
Surgical and intensive medical care of acute craniocerebral injuries VC53
Plastic-reconstructive procedures VC57
Special consultation hour - Surgery VC58
Amputation surgery VC63
Aesthetic surgery / Plastic surgery VC64
Spine surgery VC65
Arthroscopic surgery VC66
Surgical intensive care medicine VC67
Burn surgery VC69
Emergency medicine VC71
Diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the skin appendages VD09
Wound healing disorders VD20
Intensive care medicine VI20
Diagnosis and treatment of geriatric diseases VI24
Palliative care VI38
Physical therapy VI39
Pain therapy VI40
Transfusion medicine VI42
Child traumatology VK32
Diagnosis and treatment of arthropathies VO01
Diagnosis and treatment of systemic diseases of the connective tissue VO02
Diagnosis and treatment of deformities of the spine and back VO03
Diagnosis and treatment of spondylopathies VO04
Diagnosis and treatment of other diseases of the spine and back VO05
Diagnosis and treatment of muscular diseases VO06
Diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the synovialis and tendons VO07
Diagnosis and treatment of other soft tissue diseases VO08
Diagnosis and treatment of osteopathies and chondropathies VO09
Diagnosis and treatment of other diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue VO10
Diagnosis and treatment of tumours of the postural and locomotor organs VO11
Special consultation hour - Orthopaedics VO13
Endoprosthetics VO14
Foot surgery VO15
Hand surgery VO16
Pain therapy / multimodal pain therapy VO18
Shoulder surgery VO19
Sports medicine / sports traumatology VO20
Traumatology VO21
Conventional radiographs VR01
Native sonography VR02
One-dimensional Doppler sonography VR03
Duplex sonography VR04
Computer-aided image data analysis with 3D evaluation VR26
Intraoperative application of the procedures VR28