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Klinik für Altersmedizin

Senator-Braun-Allee 33
31135 Hildesheim

Phone: 05121-894-5051
Fax: 05121-894-5055
Mail: ed.tiehdnuseg-soileh@sokkel.nitnatsnok

Medical administration

Dr. med. Konstantin Lekkos (Chefarzt)

Information and services of the department

  • Number of inpatient cases: 297

Services search (in the department)

Illness Number of cases
Fracture of femur (S72.10) 26
Fracture of femur (S72.01) 22
Left ventricular failure unspecified (I50.14) 19
Other disorders of urinary system - Urinary tract infection site not specified (N39.0) 13
Volume depletion (E86) 12
Fracture of lumbar spine and pelvis (S32.7) 10
Erysipelas (A46) 9
Fracture of lumbar spine and pelvis (S32.5) 8
Fracture of femur (S72.11) 8
Fracture of femur (S72.2) 8
Treatment Number
Computer-assisted analysis of the images with 3D-analysis (3-990) 126
Interdisciplinary measures for early postoperative treatment and early rehabilitation of ill elderly people (8-550.1) 115
Computed tomography (CT) of the head without contrast medium (3-200) 80
Measurement of the brain waves - EEG (1-207.0) 65
Examination of the oesophagus, stomach and duodenum by endoscopy (1-632.0) 63
Treatment of physically or functionally induced disorders of speech, language, the voice or swallowing (9-320) 42
Computed tomography (CT) of the pelvis without contrast medium (3-206) 36
(9-984.7) 31
Transfusion of blood, red blood cells or platelets from a donor to a recipient (8-800.c0) 27
Computed tomography of the abdomen with contrast medium (3-225) 25

Hospital information and services for all specialist departments

External comparative quality assurance
Further information
  • External quality assurance according to state law
    No participation
  • Quality of participation in the Disease Management Programme (DMP)
    No participation
No. Explanation
CQ05 Weiterführende standortbezogene Informationen unter:
Number Group
168 Medical specialists (m/f) , psychological psychotherapists (m/f) and child and adolescent psychotherapists (m/f) who are subject to the obligation to undergo further training*
133 Number of medical specialists (m/f) from no. 1 who have completed a five-year period of further training and are therefore subject to the obligation to provide evidence
133 Number of those persons from no. 2 who have provided proof of further training according to Article 3 of the G-BA regulations
* according to the “Provisions of the Joint Federal Committee for the Further Training of Medical Specialists (m/f), Psychological Psychotherapists (m/f) and Child and Adolescent Psychotherapists (m/f) in Hospitals”
Job Explanation
Lectureships / teaching posts at colleges and universities
Student training (clinical traineeship / internship year)
Project-related cooperation with colleges and universities
Participation in multi-centre Phase I/II studies
Participation in multi-centre phase III/IV studies
Editors of scientific journals/textbooks
Doctoral supervision
No. Training in other healing professions Comment
HB01 Nurse and health care worker (m/f)
HB05 Medical technical radiology assistant (MTRA) (m/f)
HB07 Surgical technical assistant (m/f) In Kooperation mit dem Helios Bildungszentrum Salzgitter.
HB10 Midwife (m/f) In Kooperation mit dem Helios Bildungszentrum Salzgitter.
HB19 Nursing professionals Ab 2024 Ausbildung zur Pflegefachfrau und Pflegefachmann zusätzlich in Teilzeit möglich. Ab 2024 internationale Ausbildung zur Pflegefachfrau und Pflegefachmann möglich, zusätzlicher Sprachunterricht.
HB15 Anaesthesia technical assistant (m/f) In Kooperation mit dem Helios Bildungszentrum Salzgitter.

Albrecht Flach

ehrenamtlicher Patientenfürsprecher

Senator-Braun-Allee 33
31135 Hildesheim

Phone: 05121 -894-1400
Mail: ed.tiehdnuseg-soileh@miehsedlih.rehcerpsreufnetneitap

Jürgen Blumtritt

ehrenamtlicher Patientenfürsprecher

Senator-Braun-Allee 33
31135 Hildesheim

Phone: 05121 -894-1400
Mail: ed.tiehdnuseg-soileh@miehsedlih.rehcerpsreufnetneitap

Rose Ruth Sommerfeld

ehrenamtliche Patientenfürsprecherin

Senator-Braun-Allee 33
31135 Hildesheim

Phone: 05121 -894-1400
Mail: ed.tiehdnuseg-soileh@miehsedlih.rehcerpsreufnetneitap

David Schulze


Senator-Braun-Allee 33
31135 Hildesheim

Phone: 05121 -894-1337
Mail: ed.tiehdnuseg-soileh@ezluhcs.divad

David Schulze


Senator-Braun-Allee 33
31135 Hildesheim

Phone: 05121 -894-1337
Mail: ed.tiehdnuseg-soileh@ezluhcs.divad

Dr. med. Karin Schwegmann


Senator-Braun-Allee 33
31135 Hildesheim

Phone: 05121 -894-1886
Mail: ed.tiehdnuseg-soileh@nnamgewhcs.nirak